janus4385 said:
It still seems more relaxing than the real world... 😛
...hmmm, then maybe the fantasy was too tame -- this oughta fix it
Despite the smile on my face and change of tone, she was not amused (as I could see by the intense worry in her eyes).
What happened next was something that should have never happened in my fantasy world -- she somehow took away my control.
It all started when my mind allowed her limited motory control, mostly below her waist -- and probably against my better judgement.
But let me preface all this for a sec: when I saw the response on her face and realized it was hopeless to make her chummy again, I realized that I had blown my chances with her and the only way I was gonna get real sniffing action was thru fantasy rather than willingness.
Her toes were literally the most amazing raunch I had ever inhaled. Instant stimulation -- they had a combination of subdued malt vinegar with a strong funk, medium traces of sharp cheddar, and hints of different sweet scents like the smallest remnants of her various foot scrub products that I also recall being embedded in her toe insoles. Whatever those sweet augmentations were, they definitely smelled natural, fused with the odors from her indigenous overworked glands.
Enough about her smell though, it was too heavenly to describe and was just too regrettable to give up on.
One of the problems I encountered was that I suddenly felt an enormously intense emotion like I've never felt before. It was the feeling that I'd be in heaven to be married to this woman just for her feet. Though she looked simply "better than average" to me, her toe smell at the end of the day was definitely something that would keep me honest for life. Even in growing old with her, I would desperately want to see myself in foot 69 position with her at least once a day while I sniffed and got stroked.
In the course of my brief 5 second moment of realization, this lady's toe smell hacked the olfactory circuitry in my brain and changed all my ambitions in life (all in that instant). This mental shift in my prime directive occurred right after I had taken her foot off my nose and the scent started to fade away. I started to realize I was lacking her intense foot smell and I really needed it - BADLY!
As her scent deteriorated from my nostrils, I began to realize that I had a serious problem, and I needed to feed the BIGGEST addiction of my life. I did not realize by playing this little fun game of control, that it would turn out this way! And I think she might've realized my little problem now, based on my worried ponderance. Because when I looked at her again, I did see a brief uncertain pause in her eyes. I do not know how to describe her momentary shift, but it was very short sorta like a detective's realization just before her frightened eyes returned.
I knew what I had to immediately do though, I needed to sniff again and believe me that is exactly what I began doing. I relinquished my hand from her other foot (the right foot) and dedicated both of my hands to grabbing her left. I did not care about her other foot at the moment even though the cold sole of her right foot still remained on my spastic cock, but with less pressure.
I grabbed the top of her left foot with my right hand and positioned her toes right over my nose. I used my left hand to crimp her toes and release her grip from my nose occasionally. Most of the time, I would force a tight crimp just so I could inhale with intensity as I sniffed thru her nylons. After about 40 seconds of sniffing, my olfactory system convinced my brain that I needed more purity from her scent, so I took the time to rip two inches in her nylons just so I could bury my nose further into her top three toes. My GOD it was undescribable heaven for me and she probably knew this by the animal-like sounds that continued to escape me.
If you can imagine something like the high pitched whimpers of a desperate grown man combined with the huffing sounds of a happy pet dog humping a friend's leg at Christmas, that would best describe the sounds that were starting to escape me as I indulged in her feet -- high pitched, short, gaspy, embarrassing, and uncontrollable. I could not help myself though, and the mental satisfaction from the smell of her toes outweighed anything I had ever experienced in my life.
After a few minutes of this, I craved something else (something more) and this is where I planted the seed for the real problems to take fold. What I wanted now was for her to do the firm crimping of her toes on my nose, herself, while also rubbing my cock up and down with her right-foot-sole while both of my thumbs were positioned behind my shaft to counter her force. That is what I craved most right now and in my fantasy, that is how I was gonna have it. So I mentally gave her back full control of her legs and partially limp control of the rest of her body.
She was surprised and confused to see that some of her motory control had returned, and she knew almost exactly what I wanted her to do (without me explaining). She looked around and saw a cold crowd of people just standing and staring at us. She tried to say something to one of them but still could not speak. She knew what she still had to do.
I placed my right hand on her left toes, crimping them tight on my nose again and pressing down and up a few times to express to her non-verbally that I wanted a tight grip on my face. She knew what that meant as I then placed both of my thumbs behind my shaft and proceeded with the next set of non-verbal directions by moving her other foot up and down my shaft with the force of my remaining fingers. She knew what that meant too when I released my eight fingers.
I could tell this was
NOT a mutual affinity yet, and I didn't really think it would evolve into that, but I was okay with that for the moment while I grunted at her with muffled satisfactions that had a nasal sound to them when I exhaled. The look on her face turned into a really lip curdling (with whimper sounding) disgust when my desperate dog sounds started to come back, but she knew I was really in heaven.
I think it was when she started to crimp her toes rhythmically and consistently, though, that she came up with her bright idea to usurp my control. She had been sole stroking my cock with pressing variation that had me going for quite a while, but it was the way she began to crimp her toes really hard for like 4-7 seconds at a time while I struggled to sniff that really showed my helplessness. Her systematic crimp tight and release process was sending me into unimaginable bliss. She would release for like 2 seconds so I could exhale and we were synergizing like a circus act with this sinewave of activity.
Occasionally my eyes would open and I'd look at her from above her digging toenails but her reaction had not changed much. Though the lip curdling disgust was still there (like halfway), it was not as intense but it was watered down by a monotanous look of confusion and sadness in her facial expressions. This still turned me on a lot for some reason and I would switch between closing my eyes and looking back at her to see her reactions while I sniffed. Sometimes I would purposely exaggerate my inhuman high pitched sounds of pleasure while shaking more umph into my crotch area just to see if she'd get more freaked out, and sure enough it worked but not quite as mood escalating as I had expected.
She still could not speak and her arms by this point had managed to brace, hug, and support underneath her knees. I was in heaven still because all I had to do was lay back in my coffee chair and just hold my boner in position. This was bliss to the exponential nth degree and I was building up the biggest load I would ever shoot since I had held myself from release several times (over this 20 minute course) just so I could ensure that this was the best, biggest, and longest cum of my life. Not to mention it would be with her: the smelly-toed woman who I suddenly wanted to marry for the rest of my life. WOW!
Anyway, sorry to digress with all these frivolous circumstantial inner thoughts that I felt during this part of my experience. I really need to get back to what I mentioned at the start of this letter and explain how she took control of MY fantasy. I will never forgive the bitch for what she did, but boy she is the only thing that keeps me motivated to get out of this cell (from where I write you tonight).
It is time for me to get some shut eye for now. I'll see if I can document more sometime when the guards let me in the library