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First post here


1st Level Red Feather
Aug 26, 2008
Well, this is my first time posting in the non tickling story section. This is the love story I've been working on. Doubtful it's gonna be good enough for the contest I wanna put it into but opinions will be appriciated nontheless. It still needs to be edited and spell checked etc, so for any mistakes or paragraph control issues, my apologies. Enjoy. Thanks folks,
Bug 🙂

Adele flows from the speakers and fills the room, singing about how we could have had it all. I inwardly roll my eyes. Please, who ever has it all? Her
warbling is suddenly interupted by the phone. I know who it is already. "Hello Rebecca. Of course I knew who it was, he's going to be here soon. You always
call before a blind date shows up. Yes, everything is fine. I need to go, he's just buzzed. Yeah, I love you too. Bye." I hang up. Ok so he hadn't showed up
yet, but sometimes it can be hard to get my cousin off the phone. I look up and the clock on the wall tells me I have ten minutes until the latest guy
shows up. I sit, brushing my blue silky dress down to make sure there are no wrinkles. I lean back in my armchair and close my eyes, remembering the last date
my cousin had set me up on. She did this at every chance she got. Sometimes it was annoying but she had good intentions. All she wanted was to see me happy.
She was one of the very few people who actualy stayed in touch with practicaly everyone she went to school with. That was why she knew so many guys. Sometimes
I amused myself by imagining she held open auditions. Do you think you could be my cousin's happy ever after? Come along and we'll put you through your paces.
The last date actualy wasn't that bad. His name was James, he was a bit older than me at twenty eight, and he worked as an estate agent. The evening had gone
well and I got a text from him the next day but for me, there was no spark. So I had let him down gently and we had both moved on. Just as my mind started to
wander back to the date before James, who's name was Luke, my thoughts are interrupted by the buzzer from downstairs. I get up and buzz him in. He knocks on
the front door and I think to myself here we go again.

I open the door and do my usual visual sweep. Ok, so he's quite tall, I would guess about five foot
eight, floppy black hair that he's obviously tried to tame with a comb, dark brown eyes. All in all, not too bad. He smiles as I stand to the side to let him
in. Then he holds out his hand. "Jack," he tells me, and I shake his hand. Reasonably firm grip. "Gemma. Come through." I take him to the living room.
"Something smells good," says Jack, looking around. "I hope you like lasagne. Wine?" "Red please." I smile. "Excuse me a sec." I walk to the kitchen and get
two glasess down from the cupboard, then go to the fridge. I pour, then take the two glasess back through, handing one to Jack. "Thanks. Here's to a hopefuly
fantastic evening." We clink. "Nice," he comments, and sets his glass on the table beside him. "So, Rebecca tells me she sets you up a lot," said Jack, "any
luck yet?" Thanks a bunch Becky I think before I reply. "Oh yes, every chance she gets. My cousin is one of those rare people who actualy stays in touch with
everyone she went to school with. Then of course she meets theire friends and familes so she knows a lot of guys. No luck as yet though, sadly." He looks at me
sympatheticaly. "I know what you mean. What with work and all the rest of it there's no time to meet anyone outside your usual circle. And then of course I
have to make time to go and see Hannah every weekend, which is one of the things I just won't stop doing. She's too important." I can feel the curiosity cross
my own expression. Jack swallows more wine before he answers. "My daughter, she's nearly six. Since the divorce my ex has let Hannah come stay with me every weekend. I pick her up after work on Friday and take her home on Sunday. I love the end of the week." He smiles, a look of unconditional love in his eyes. It's heartwarming to see.
I'm about to reply when we're interrupted by the oven timer. "Oohh, dinner's done." I stand up and jack does the same, following me to the kitchen. "Oven
gloves?" he asks. Mildy surprised, I point to one of the drawers. He gets them out and I turn the oven off. "Allow me," he says, and stoops down to get the
lasagne out, then puts it on top of the oven. "Thankyou," I say, grabbing two plates. Jack brings it over to the table and sets it down while I grab a knife.
I cut us both some and dish up. "There, done. Sit," I tell Jack, and I go to find some forks. He sits, and I slide in oppisite him. "Your daughter obviously
means a lot to you," I comment, starting my dinner. Not bad if I do say so myself. "Oh I adore Hannah, she means the world to me. I've been trying to work out
what to get her this year. It's always difficult because being so young, her tastes seem to change every week. I'll have to ask the ex." He mumbles and nods
his head as he eats. From his smile, I take it as a good sign. We eat in silence for a few minutes as the CD in the other room comes to an end. He breaks the
silence first. "So what do you do?" he asks. "I work in a dungeon," I reply matter of factly. His eyebrows shoot up so much they're almost lost in his
hairline. I laugh. "I do love people's reactions when I say that. It's the kind of dungeon you can take peope around on tours." Realization dawns and his
eyebrows come down. "Oh! So it's like a horror tour thing?" I nod, still smiling. "Yeah. I get to dress up and wear FX wounds and everything, it's brilliant."
He returns my smile, an expression of interest taking over the shock. "That actualy sounds really cool," he comments, "do you get to jump out and scare
people?" I can feel the gleam in my eyes as I answer him. "Oh yeah all the time. They do have to teach you to stand really still though. That way, people
think you're a statue and it's a bigger shock when you jump to life." He laughs softly and goes back to his dinner. "That is brilliant. Makes my working in a
bank sound really boring in comparison." I inwardly agree, but I keep quiet. Tonight is going well and I would hate to ruin it by causing offence. Jack's look
of interest is still evident in his eyes as he keeps talking, and I can tell more questions are coming. "So, what do you do when you take them on tours?" There we go, I think to myself, I was right. "Well, there are lots of different areas in the dungeon. There are cages everywhere with staff dressed up as
16th century pesents, and at one point, I get to tell people about the history of the black death. Sorry, are you alright with this subject at the dinner table?"
I ask, "if I go into detail it can get a bit graphic." Jack shakes his head.
"No it's fine," he says, "I love the grusome bits of history. Strong
stomach," he adds, and winks at me. I grin, impressed with his tolerance with grusome facts, and carry on with my explanation of what I do at work. "Well,
when a new tour group comes around, my speech starts with the phrase bring out your dead." He snorts with laughter but waves his hand, telling me I can
carry on. "We have a torture chamber, and the chamber Master, as he's known, will take you through all of the impliments they used to use for punishment or
interrogation. Sometimes, I don't know how Tyler dosen't go home with nightmares he goes into such graphic detail." I'm greatful that Jack is still smiling
when I come up for air. "I know what you're thinking, and you're right, I probably should be horrified. But I just find all of this stuff
so interesting." I nod and reply, "I have to admit, I am impressed with the strength of your stomach so far." A proud look comes over his face.
"I watch a lot of horror films, details don't bother me." I nod, impressed. "So what else do you have?" I carry on giving him a verbal tour of the dungeon,
and we're at the dinner table for a lot longer than I had planned.

When I'm finished talking, I clear the plates and go back to the fridge. "Gemma that was lovely," says Jack, linking his fingers together and resting his chin
on his hands. "Good," I say from the fridge, "did you save room? I made a cheesecake." I withdraw from the fridge and set it on the table. "Well I think my lasagne has gone down a bit by now," he says, smiling. An apologetic look crosess my face and I say, "sorry, have I been talking too much? I do tend to get very enthusiastic when I talk about what we have at work."
"No not at all," he replies, "I'm loving hearing about all of this stuff." I check his expression and he does still seem genuinley interested. He looks at me
for a moment, maybe just a few seconds too long, before he turns his attention to dessert. I smile to myself then follow his gaze back to the table.
"That looks nice, what's in it?" I get bowls and spoons as I reply, "passion fruit." He smiles as I cut into it and serve. "Thankyou," he says and waits for
me to sit. "Dig in," I tell him, and he does. "Mmmmm, you can really cook." I smile and start. Oh he's right I realize as I eat, I can. After we've made short
work of dessert, Jack helps me clear up, then we go back to the other room. "I come armed with wine if you would like a top up," I say, pouring myself some
more. "Please, this is nice stuff." I pour him some and look at the label "Oh it's french, from 2006," I read. He nods as he takes a sip, then puts it back on
the table. "Yeah that is nice. So where did you learn to cook?" I set the bottle down before I reply, "from the fountain of all knowledge that is my mother."
He laughs. "Ah, yes of course. She's a wonderful teacher." I smile in appriciation and raise my glass in his direction. He follows suit and we clink. After
another sip, I get up to put another CD on. This time, violins pour out of the speakers and flow around the room before the vocals start. I smile and lean
back in my chair as my ears are treated to the smooth voice of Andrea Boccelli. Jack smiles at me. "That's a very dreamy expression," he comments. "Sorry," I
smile back and try to come back to reality, "I love this guy."
He shakes his head. "No it's fine, it's nice to see you enjoy it so much. And I love the way you talk about work, there's so much passion behind your words.
I don't think people are passionate about theire work much anymore." I smile sadly. "Yes it's a bit depressing when you think about it," I say, "a lack of
passion means a lack of folks who actualy enjoy what they do." "Very true. I take it this CD is played a lot?" I nod slowly as the music flows around the room.
"Oh yes," I reply, "lots. I play it whenever I need to come home and mentaly unwind, it's very good for that." He nods in agreement and we listen in silence as
the first track comes to an end. I absent mindedly strum my fingers on the arm of my chair as the second track starts. Jack smiles at me again and I smile back, thinking yes, I must thank my cousin, because tonight has gone very well.

Ok that's not all of it, but if I get good, positive comments I will post the last chunk. Good or not folks? Let me know 🙂
Dude. dude. dude. dude. dude. DUUUUUUUDE. You can't leave it here. I but this....gahaha......More bugs! *nods hoping that will make you bring more* >.>
Like is a very weak word. Try loved! I mean, I usually don't go for these type of sappy things, but just wow. More please. *pokes you until you admit*

Edit: To change work to word >< stupid me. lmao.
Usually love stories make me gag and I dun like them, but this is quite good. I love the dialogue between the two, good job Buggy. 🙂
Last edited:
Good first story Bugs, you're a pretty good writer. Keep it coming 😀
Well, from much encouragment from the lovely Miss Sassy, here's more 🙂 Again, apologies for paragraph control and spellings and stuff. Enjoy.

"Bring out your dead!" Tyler almost jumps three feet in the air. "Gemma!" he scolds me. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face at his reaction.
"Sorry Tyler, just getting in character. My next group is going to be here soon." He smiles and shakes his head. "That means I have what, ten minutes or so?"
Once I've told my customers about the plauge, they go through to the torture chamber and become Tyler's customers. "Yeah sounds about right," I reply, checking
my wounds in the mirror of the staff room. I run my thumb along the fake wound on my cheek. "Ooh, need some more blood," I say suddenly as I notice that it's
faded. Tyler spots the tube of fake blood and throws it at me. I catch it and smear a fresh coat on the oppisite side of my face to the wound. "Thanks. Right,
all set?" I ask him. "Yup," he replies, checking his reflection once more, "just need my thumb screws." He grabs them from the table and puts them in his
pocket. "Have a good night," says Tyler. "Don't go home with nightmares," I reply. He winks at me and he's gone. I check on my wounds and my blood one more
time and I follow, to wait for my next victims. "Hi Gemma." I turn when I hear my name called. "Oh hi Simon. Have a good night." The man behind reception
smiles at me and replies, "you too." I walk past him and to my station just as the new customers come in. The night goes by reasonably quick and when the last
customers have gone home, I head back to the staff room, then go through to my locker. I grab my clothes and go through to the changing rooms. When I've washed
off all my blood and taken off my wounds, I change and go to hang up my costume. It's quiet in the staff room, and all I can hear when I walk is my shoes on
the floor. When my costume is hung up, I turn to grab my coat and almost have a heart attack. "NIGHT GEMMA!" I scream, and the sound echos around the room and
bounces off the walls. The next thing I hear is Tyler's laughter at my reaction. I breath deep and relax when I realize who it is. "Tyler!" I scold him, "don't
do that!" He's still laughing and I can't help but smile back. "That was for earlier," he laughs and I swipe playfuly at his arm. He grabs me and pulls me into
a hug. I squeeze him back and ask, "are you going to the bus stop?" He realese me and nods. "Yeah, wanna walk?" I smile and head to the door. Tyler comes out
behind me and snakes his arm around my waist. "Mwahahahaha!" he says, and I squeek as he squeezes my hip gently. I smack his arm again and we walk back to
reception, laughing. I've known Tyler since I started working at the dungeons and we hit it off pretty quickly. We could be horribly competitive with eachother
sometimes but he was the one I came to if I ever had a bad day. I like to think I did the same for him too. Sudenly I hear giggling. It's coming from the
reception desk and I know who it is without even looking up. "Tell me," says Simon, his voice low and smooth. "No, come home," says the woman, her voice still
infused with giggles. Tyler and I look over to Simon's desk and he's holding his wife around her waist, his head cocked to the side, just a few inches from
her neck. His eyes shine with love as she looks adoringly at back at him. "Tell me," he says again, "who is the most beautiful girl in the world?" I look to
Tyler and he's pretending to stick his fingers down his throat. I shake my head and turn my attention back to Simon. "Simon, come home," she begs him. "I will
come home when you've told me who the most beautiful girl in the world is," he grins at her. "Tell me Sarah." His hand moves down to her hip and we hear her
sharp intake of breath. "Simon! Not here," she tells him, but her voice is still soft. "Don't think I won't you sexy woman," he warns playfuly, and Sarah
blushes. "Ok, you win," she says in mock annoyance, "I am the most beautiful girl in the world." Simon grins even wider and picks Sarah up, twirling her
around. She laughs again and hugs him. "That works for me," he says, and Sarah squeels sudenly as he lifts her into his arms, grabbing his keys off the desk
as he does. Tyler and I walk a few steps ahead and Tyler holds the door open as Simon carries his wife outside. I smile as I watch the two of them, but can't
help the jealousy that threatens to take over me. I push it to the back of my mind and we wait for Simon to lock up, Sarah still in his arms.
"Night Simon," I say as we head towards the gates."Night guys," says Simon. He winks at us and Tyler gives him a wave. I do the same for Sarah and We head
outside and to the bus stop. I sit, and Tyler is beside me in a second. "How was your night, sending any kids home with grusome dreams?" I tease. "Hopefuly.
That was quite a show," he comments and I know he means our man at reception and his lovely wife. "Oh I think it's sweet," I reply. I do, really. But it
dosen't stop the jealousy rearing it's ugly head again.
He laughs, shaking his head and stands as the bus pulls up. I get off two stops before Tyler and I wave at him. He just about has time to wave back as the bus
pulls away. I walk quickly and I'm soon home. Locking the door behind me, I kick my shoes off, shrug my coat off and go through to the living room. I turn on
my Andrea Boccelli CD and sit, smiling, and the muscels around my eyes relax as the violins float on the air. I think about maybe calling my cousin but it's
half past eleven and by now, she's probably asleep. Not needing to pursuade myself much to stay where I am, I close my eyes and sink into my armchair.
OOOOOOOOoh, that was wicked awesome. This is alll? I mean, there's gotta be more. WHat happened to the guy she met? DO they fall in love and get married? * giver you an innocent glassy eyed look as if I"m mesmerized*
That's all I have so far. I dunno, should she get it together with Jack? He has a kid it could get complicated. Hmmmmmm......... *goes off to ponder*
*eyes widens and blinks sleepily* wha? Funny bugs, real funny 😛. Now, seriously. >.>
Yeah yeah :stickout Now, where was I................?

"Yeah of course. After work? Ok. Yeah. Ok love you, bye." I hang up smiling after talking to my cousin. I'm about to go to work but today, I have something to
look foward to when I get home. Once a month, Rebecca and I regressed back to a pair of teenagers and had a sleepover. Growing up, she would come and stay
with us every now and again. We would always look foward to it, and now we were grown up with jobs and bills and all of that icky stuff, we would get together
once a month to basicaly grow back down again. We took it turns to host and tonight was my turn. I looked at the clock and went to finish getting ready, in a
really good mood. Any kids in my tour group was going home with nightmares tonight. Work went by reasonably quick, and when I finished up I walked to the bus
stop with Tyler. When I get home, my cousin hasn't showed up yet but that's ok, it gives me a chance to set up. Once I'm in and my shoes and coat have been
dumped, I lock up and dig through my DVD collection. We always watch some soppy romantic comedy, it's turned into a tradition. I find a film then go to my room
to find her bed. Stupid grin fixed on my face, I dig out the air pump and blow up the air matress. My dad always used to do this for us, but I didn't mind
taking on the responsibility now. When the matress was blown up, I dressed it with a sheet, blanket and a pillow, then stepped back to admire my handiwork.
Satisfied, I walked out of the bedroom and, on my way back to the living room, I hear a knock. I open the door and grin at my cousin, all five foot four of
her, with her soft brown hair and brown eyes to match, this gorgeous face has been commited to memory since childhood. I step aside and she closes the door
behind her before folding me into a hug. "Come," I tell her, and she shrugs her coat off and follows me. We sit. "How was your night?" she asks. "Not too bad
thanks, how was work?" She rolls her eyes and sports an expression that says alright I suppose. I smile understandingly. "Drink?" I ask and her expression
lights up. "Please," she replies and follows me to the kitchen. I pour the wine and she drinks deeply, draining her glass in a few gulps. "Better" I ask. She
nods and shrugs apologeticaly. "Top up?" I ask. "Please," she replies, "it's been a thirsty week." I top her up and we carry our wine back to the other room.
"So, what are we watching tonight?" The film dosen't finish until two, and by the time it does, Rebecca is almost asleep. "Becky you look shattered," I say,
"let's get you to bed." She nods sleepily and plods to the bathroom, grabbing her overnight bag on the way to change. She comes out a few minutes later in red
PJ's with gold stars on. "Nice." I smile and she softly squeezes my shoulder as I walk to the bathroom. My PJ's are dark blue with the word sleepyhead on the
shirt. "Nice," she says back to me, then stoops down and pulls back her cover. I turn off the light as she climbs into bed. I follow suit and lean over the

Now you're up to date with what I've written. What else could happen.............? 😉
ooooooooooooooooh, sleepovers are fun. hmmmm.........so, she is leaning over the bed, hmmm.....I don't know what would happen next? Wait, no, that's just a teasing question, isn't it? Gah, *pulls at my hair* tell me what you're planning bugs. >.> you can't just post what you have so far and expect me to smile and say thank you. >> you have to write the whole damn thing then post it so I don't pull my hair like this. *pulls at it harder in frustration* See what you writers do to me? Gah *goes to her corner and rocks back and forth*
No, but I can go in there. XD *goes into teh chatroom*

Edit: I'm in there now 😛
Hehe, aw, you do loves me *snuggles* JK, it's cool, I"m cool B-)
Lil more, just to finish the pragraph

"So how was the date?" she asks, lying back. "Yeah not bad. We mostly talked about what I do at work, he was really
interested. Made him my lasagne for dinner and the passion fruit cheesecake from the recipe I found online. That went down well." "Good," she replies sleepily.
"But you know what? You need to get some rest. Anything else you want to know, I'll tell you after sunrise." I hear her yawn and roll over. "Night night," she
says. "Night night, love you." I roll on to my side and her reply of "love you," is the last thing I hear before we both fall asleep.
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