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Follow the pink rabbit.


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
Somewhere in the northeast united states, an unsuspecting young woman is working on her final piece of coursework for the semester. It's late, gone midnight and the only light in the room comes from the harsh glow of the computer monitor and three candles on the shelf above her head. Finally she leans back, stretching her arms out above her head and working the kinks from her back as she re-reads what she's just written. A quick click of the save button, and a minute to copy the file over to the campus network for safe keeping, and her work's done for the night.

Just as she goes to switch off the computer she pauses, her eyes dragged almost involuntarily to the file that's sitting all alone in the upper right corner of her desktop. Slowly, as if unsure whether or not she was doing the right thing, she drifts the mouse up and clicks it open. Instantly page after page of text jumps up on the screen, the first page an index of what looks like a hundred different chapters, each chapter a self-contained story. She flicks quickly through the index, finding the article she wants and settling back in her chair, hands resting lightly on the armrests she starts to read. Only the occasional tapping of her fingers against the hard plastic and the occasional squirm in the chair reveals the text, whatever it is, is having any effect on her whatsoever and half an hour later she reaches out, shutting down the file and machine as a sigh escapes her lips, gaze drifting to the mass of photographs pinned to the back of the door. In the candlelight she can barely make them out, but she knows instinctively where the picture she's thinking of is, the darkness no handicap as she pictures the man she wishes was with her at that moment, wondering how she was going to get through the next three weeks without seeing him.

Another sigh escapes her and she turns to put out the candles. As she does so a flickering pattern dashes over the monitor screen, a riot of colour that lasts for the barest fraction of a second then vanishes before she can consciously register the image. Shaking her head she blows out the candles and stumbles fully clothed onto the bed, suddenly overcome by exhaustion. Her eyes drifted closed and she fell into the waiting darkness.

Only to come slowly awake a few minutes later, her mind seemingly wrapped in cotton wool as she struggled to figure out what was wrong with the world. The room was still dark, only the faint hint of moonlight filtering through the curtains giving definition to her surroundings. Then she spotted it, or rather, she spotted him. A man was standing at the foot of her bed, dressed in a black coat that wrapped around his body, hiding any specifics of his build from her view. She thought she should be terrified, after all she had no idea who this was, and even without seeing under the coat he was obviously quite a large figure. Yet all she felt was a sense of curiosity as she swung herself upright and walked towards him.

As she moved, so did the stranger, matching her pace exactly as he seemed to glide back towards her desk. It was such an odd feeling for her, almost as if the situation was reversed from what she should have expected, as if she were now the one that was taking advantage of him, as if he were the one afraid of her touch. He stopped as he bumped against the desk and she reached towards him, keeping her feet planted as she lent forward, afraid that if she got any closer he'd vanish into thin air, a thought that distressed her greatly and for reasons she couldn't begin to comprehend. Closer and closer her fingers came until, when they were barely an inch from his chest, the man stepped aside with a speed and grace that bordered on the inhuman. Startled she tipped forward, off balance and falling towards the monitor. She spread her hand wide to brace on the glass and to her horror felt her fingers pass through the glass.

It was as if she were caught in a wind tunnel, and she was thrown forward, hurtling down through the monitor, twisting and turning through tunnels of light as she stared around her, the sheer beauty of what she saw leaving her stunned. Just as suddenly as it had begun her journey ended, leaving her lying on her front on some hard surface, a gentle white glow surrounding her. Raising her head she looked around, and could make no sense whatsoever of her surroundings.

Everywhere she looked bright white pages of text and images floated before her, glowing from within as if... as if they were television images she thought. No, not television images, monitor images! It was as if she were looking at individual computer screens, each showing a different page of a giant library, pages that stretched off into the distance without any hint of a break or end. Was she, no that was impossible wasn't it? She couldn't be...inside the computer?

Slowly, her head feeling like she'd just had the wildest of wild nights, she clambered up to all fours, trying to pinpoint the nagging feeling something wasn't quite right. Her balance was off, and however much she tried she couldn’t seem to stand up, making it to a sitting position for a few seconds before falling back to her hands and knees. She glanced down, trying to figure out what was wrong and froze in shock.

Where she should have seen slightly faded blue jeans and bare arms there was only pink fur, her arms and legs the wrong shape as she tried to twist her head far enough around to see her stomach, a movement that was proving surprisingly difficult. Eventually, tired and sore from her exertions she fell back, resting in the only position that seemed the most natural and forced herself to accept what her eyes were telling her. Somehow, through some magic or technology she couldn't even conceive she had been changed into a rabbit, and a pink one to boot.

Before her mind could dwell on that revelation she became aware of a presence behind her and gradually shuffled round in small, faltering hops to find herself nose to nose with an Alsatian. Even if she'd been her regular shape and size, she would have found the dog more than a little intimidating, as she was now, he was terrifying. Sleek gold and black fur covered a lean, muscular body, huge paws that seemed big enough to squash her with a single motion and a muzzle that contained the longest, pointiest teeth she'd ever seen in her life. Still despite all this, and despite the urgent demands from her new form to get as far away from this land shark as she could she couldn't move, her attention fixed on the dogs eyes.

She'd never seen such intelligence in an animal before, and as she looked she felt her fear slacken slightly. There was warmth and understanding there that she'd rarely seen in humans, let alone in a simple mutt. The instant she thought the last word she regretted it, and by the attitude change the huge form in front of her hadn't found it particularly impressive either. Even as her mind raged at her to stop and think, that there was no way a simple animal could have read her mind like that, her newly-acquired bunny-senses were transmitting more urgent messages to her legs. With a snarl the dog jumped forward, his teeth closing bare inches from her head with an audible snap and she bolted, hurtling away between the endless rows of pages.

She only stopped when she realised there was no sound of pursuit and she'd covered almost a hundred yards. Looking back as best she could she saw the dog still sitting in exactly the same place he had been all along, and just barely, as if in a distant whisper, she could make out the sound of laughter. Then, with a terrible inevitability it swung itself gracefully up onto all four feet, looking towards the distant pink dot as if wondering whether or not to let it get a better head start. Then with a burst of acceleration it was heading straight for her, a black and gold missile hurtling onwards and drawing closer with frightening speed.

Turning she bounded away, every step bringing an increased familiarity with her new form and how to make it move. It was a skill she needed urgently as the hunter was now only a few feet behind her, almost pacing her as she bounded between the rows of screens, her mind occasionally registering flashes of text she knew well from tales she'd long since committed to memory.

She felt the dog's hot breath on her tail and scrambled to her right, slipping through a gap between two pages the bigger animal couldn't hope to squeeze through. She didn't stop running though, twisting and turning as best she could, never giving it a predictable path to follow while still trying to increase the distance between them as quickly as possible. Finally she slowed, coming to what, had she still been human, would have been considered a gentle jog, and listened for any sounds of pursuit. Finding none she permitted herself a small smile and hopped around the next corner.

Only to bounce back as if she'd hit a particular furry wall. Looking up she felt herself freeze in terror as the huge teeth above her filled her vision. A single paw descended on her fluffy body, holding her firmly in place as that dreadful mouth reached towards her exposed throat. Slowly the jaws opened and she screwed her eyes shut, not wanting to see the bite that would finish her and praying it’d be over quickly.

Every second stretched out to eternity as she waited for the end, then something wet, soft yet slightly scratchy lapped at her skin, well, fur really. Her eyes snapped open and it took a second or two for her to put the scene together in her mind. In front of her, filling her vision with row after row of pointy white teeth was the dog’s mouth, hot breath washing over her as he panted from the chase. Yet instead of ripping her body to shreds he appeared to be licking her. The initial shock protected her somewhat from the first lap, but not the second and she squirmed under the huge paw. Once more she found herself captivated by those big, oh-so-human eyes and a flash of intuition exploded in the back of her mind.

As that big red tongue kept lapping at her she started to chuckle, a rising stream of giggles as she tried to find some way to escape her predicament. So engrossed was she that it took her a minute to realise that, while she may have the body of a rabbit her voice was still human and her own laughter started to echo in her ears. The adrenaline that had been coursing through her system to fuel her flight now started to work against her, leaving her drained and weak right when she most needed the extra energy. For as long as she could remember she’d always been pretty darn ticklish, but whether it was the new form or the effects of the chase or something altogether different that was doing it, she seemed to be ten times as sensitive.

The dog kept up his determined lapping, moving slowly and methodically over her fur, passing up from her throat to her ear, across the top of her head and down the other side, up and down across her face and once over her nose. Every single touch seemed to her a fresh torment, no two were the same and she was kept constantly guessing as to the next touch. One would be light, gentle, the kiss of a summer breeze against her skin, the next as if someone had run a feather over her fur, the next a toothbrush buzzing against her, the next a pair of ghostly hands caressing her and on and on and on.

Soon time lost all meaning, her mind, body and soul consumed by the laughter that coursed through her, overwhelming all impressions of the world outside of that damnable tongue. Yet, even as she hollered for mercy, the realisation dawned that, despite everything, she was actually enjoying this attention. Somehow, no matter how severe the tickling touch it always ended in the same way, as if for the merest fraction of a second someone had given her an all-over body massage, compacting an hour of effort into an instant. Soon that touch was enough to leave her gasping after every lap, and it was a devilishly short step from there to actually desiring that touch.

As before the dog seemed to pick up on her thoughts and gradually started to ease off her trapped body, until finally she was simply lying on the ground between his front paws, all thought of escape banished as she accepted the trade willingly. A long, drawn out lap against the soft fur of her belly left her hysterical with laughter as another in a seemingly endless stream of torments was bestowed upon her. Then, for one brief shining moment she felt that rush of pleasure that made it a worthwhile torment to endure.

Over and over the cycle repeated, the dog moving all over her body until every inch of her pink fur was damp with drool and she was practically buzzing with barely surprised enjoyment. Suddenly she felt a shift in the air above her, and for a moment wondered where the dog had gone, the feeling of disappointment almost physical as she glanced around her, then finally down towards her feet.

And now they were indeed her feet, her body restored to its former glory, though the dog’s drool had stayed with her and now coated her jeans and t-shirt. The dog itself was laying with its front paws either side of her feet as it watched her. With a single blurred motion the dog seemed to stretch, rushing up to meet her as, in some odd, indefinable way it’s body seemed to shift, changing into the man she’d seen in her room.

This time the coat was open, though she still couldn’t make out more than his general outline thanks to a matching black t-shirt and jeans that broke his outline up perfectly as the coat fell around her like a blanket. His face broke into a smile, and one glance in his eyes was all she needed to know it had indeed been him that had concocted this scene for her, and that he’d enjoyed his own part immensely. In one fluid motion he stood, towering over her for a moment before bending smoothly at the waist and offering her his hand. Without pause she took it, felt something small and thin pressed against her flesh and for a brief moment the caress of lips against her skin as he kissed her hand as he pulled her up to her feet. Then the room spun around her and she felt herself falling at a tremendous speed. She looked over her shoulder and saw her bed rushing up to meet her with a speed that would surely break both bed and her if she hit like this…

With a start she sat bolt upright, the covers that had wound around her body falling away to allow her a glimpse of her sweat soaked clothes. With a muttered curse she looked at the clock beside her, almost five in the morning she thought, annoyed, how on earth was she supposed to get a good night sleep with dreams like that? Still muttering she fell back to the mattress, stretching out as best she could while kicking the sheets into something resembling order. Suddenly she stopped, lying perfectly still for a long moment then gradually bringing her hand out from under the sheets and up to her eye line. Reaching out with her other hand she triggered the bedside light and opened her closed fist.

There, slightly bent from being crushed against her palm, was a small white rectangle of card with a simple message. She stared in disbelief, it wasn’t possible, it just wasn’t. Yet, somehow it was and she’d have to try and accept that. She placed the card delicately on the bedside cabinet, then on reflection dropped it into the top drawer. She’d decide what to do about it in the morning, and went to sleep with five simple words etched into the darkness behind her eyelids.

“Happy Christmas my ticklish bunny!”
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