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For Sale; Slightly Used

Dave, you are the man. I missed your stories and once again, you do not disappoint! This story was more thought provoking as I was wrapped up in the plot. Great job man, I hope you write more....

Thank you.

Thank you for this brilliant display of literary intelligence and originality. This little masterpiece right here is more than fit to be turned into a legitimate festival-headlining/award-winning short film.

The imagined world you present here - the cast of fully realized characters, the dialogue - everything, I dare speculate - would be a director's dream project.

Actually, scratch that...

Any true form of artist (coupled with the same fetish of course), in whichever field - lucky enough to posses such a clear sense of self-awareness and courage to go to those "dark places" as you mentioned, and understand what truly makes them tick deep down inside when stripped of all self-censorship - would and should feel immensely proud of having been able to bring this monster of self-expression to life as well you did in the form of a story.

And I really hope you do. I also hope that this is the first of many new pieces we're all lucky enough to receive from you and (and I really am keeping my fingers crossed here), hopefully this'll inspire some others to do the same (put some effort into it, dare to go where you're afraid of because it feels so damn good it scares you) in the future.

Not that some haven't already, but I was really getting tired of what brought me to the TMF in the first place which was this particular section of the community.

Thanks again and I sincerely hope For Sale; Slightly Used won't be one of those many stories where 800000000000000000000000 people read it, make use of it how they will, and not express anything in return.

Stories of this caliber deserve so much more.
That is some good stuff, man. Kinda brings to mind William Gibson, off his meds. Bring us more, please?
Wonderful work from a wonderful person.

I think I will have to mention this one on the air.


I was totally rapt--Brother Dave, you absolutely inspire and intimidate me simultaneously. So many perfect turns-of-phrase in one place, one would think you actually invented them... :bowing:

So how long is the wait before you produce another piece..? Open to bribes to hurry the hell up with it, maybe? 😀 Let me know--perhaps I have a few memories of my own to sell. 😉

Mistress Aura :justlips:
There isn't anything else I can say that wasn't echoed above Dave. Like all your work, fucking brilliant!
That truly was a mind blowing (no pun intended) story. I truly can see it included in a collection of award winning Sci-Fi stories. Dave’s writing skills are like a fine wine that just gets better with age.

The Master has returned!

If this is the first Dave2112 story you have ever read you will be pleased to know that this forum has a wealth of Dave2112 stories for you to dive into.Do a search of the forum and you will be rewarded with some of the best tickling fiction you will ever read.

I would be remiss as Dave2112’s publisher if I did not also point out the collection of his fantastic work that I am proud to have available at MTJ Publishing. You really are missing out if you have not had the pleasure of adding any of these titles to your personal collection.

Malachi Diaries #1 & 2

Of Inhuman Bondage #1, #2, & #3

Sara's Tickling Fantasies

The Chronicles of Nadya

Tome of Madness #1

Not only is Dave a gifted writer, he is also a talented artist as well.

Jim a.k.a. Morandilas
MTJ Publishing
I'd like to take a moment and respond to those kind enough to read this story. it means the world to me that this work was accepted as well as it was. I had a few doubts that it would "fit" here, to be honest. But, it had to be written.

I'm sincerely blown away by the way this tale has been received. I'll let you in on a little secret....I kinda glossed over what this story did to me in my intro. It wasn't just a matter of "going someplace dark", I've done that before with a lot of the stuff I've written. It's not that far for me to go, actually.

This one was different. It affected me. It was like being a "method writer", becoming a part of what I was creating, and it sucked me in to a point where I couldn't get out. So much from inside my own mind, my own heart and soul, surfaced during the process of writing this, and I wasn't expecting that. I connected so intently with the topic I was writing about...the primality of living in the present (which is why I chose first-person/present tense for the first time in a story), the past not mattering, wanting to just "give it away", the future undecided....loneliness, the search for something, anything good and whole....it just sucked me in hard. When I was done writing, I spent two hours laying back on the bed, smoking, and trying to shake it off. It didn't work. In fact, a dear friend spent half the next day on the phone with me, re-grounding me and centering my head. There was just SO much emotion.

I'd like to say that I'll be popping out a story every week like I used to, but after this experience, I just can't see writing anything that I don't connect with on some level. There are places I'd like to explore very soon, things I'd like to either purge or just face...and I'm sure my near-future works are going to be rather intense.

Thank you again so much for all of your support, and I'll be sure to return it in kind with my next work of fiction.

- Dave2112
This one was different. It affected me. It was like being a "method writer", becoming a part of what I was creating, and it sucked me in to a point where I couldn't get out. So much from inside my own mind, my own heart and soul, surfaced during the process of writing this, and I wasn't expecting that. I connected so intently with the topic I was writing about...the primality of living in the present (which is why I chose first-person/present tense for the first time in a story), the past not mattering, wanting to just "give it away", the future undecided....loneliness, the search for something, anything good and whole....it just sucked me in hard. When I was done writing, I spent two hours laying back on the bed, smoking, and trying to shake it off. It didn't work. In fact, a dear friend spent half the next day on the phone with me, re-grounding me and centering my head. There was just SO much emotion.

Again, I hope others here follow suit.

Biscuit said:
Good fiction in it's own right, not just good 'tickling' fiction, which is honestly often so awful I don't bother reading, it's mostly such brainless drivel

Couldn't agree more. Which sucks in a way but then again, it makes something like this stand out even more.
Dark, haunting, powerful, intense, honest, brutal, scary, erotic, and absolutely captivating.

As has already been mentioned - this isn't a good tickle story - this is straight up amazing fiction. Period.

The rambling first person narration gives so much insight and empathy toward Sulk, as his mind changes, and drifts into darkness. It's like you want to, as the reader, talk to the guy. Help him. The fact that we can feel his downward spiral and he can not is so true to life that it is difficult to shake.

I could go on and on and on...

You already know how much I love your work. You are an inspiration, Dave.

This is one of the best short stories I have ever read - and I have read more than a few.

I salute you,

As anyone who's ever pursued the object of their desire will tell you, the furthest distance between lust isn't hatred, it's indifference. The line between lust/abhorrence, hatred/love can be and is often blurred in certain kinds of play (and the dichotomy can provide interesting plot points).

Biscuit said it best, right here. I could not have phrased that better myself. And I completely agree. That's the exact ideology in my head when writing this...or at least one of them.

Bandito - I feel ya, bro. Thanks so much. As someone who's work I admire to the Nth degree, your words carry a lot of weight with me, my friend. And....I share that place with ya, brother...you know that.

Marquis - I was remiss earlier in not personally thanking you for your honest commentary, and I truly and deeply appreciate it.

I've gotten a lot of correspondance from this little story, people who were drawn into thier own emotional quagmire, people who were reached and made to feel as if they were not alone in these confusing primal emotions we all get buried in. The fact that I have been able to, in some small way, express something usually reserved for oneself, yank those emotions up from the depths, send them across the miles and have them land in someone else's head has moved me and inspired me to continue. I was flat-out honestly not expecting that to happen.

Marquis is right. As writers.....scratch that....as members of this community, we need to be more open with those things that move us, those places we're often afraid to go and make real connections in whatever way we can. Drop the perfect-persona trappings and show what you've really got...flaws, warts and all.

Thank you all again, from the bottom of my disturbed little heart. :triangle:
As writers.....scratch that....as members of this community, we need to be more open with those things that move us, those places we're often afraid to go and make real connections in whatever way we can. Drop the perfect-persona trappings and show what you've really got...flaws, warts and all.

I suddenly find myself looking at a gauntlet tossed at my feet after reading that statement, sirrah. I believe I shall accept your challenge. I only hope that the beast it wakes will eventually go back to sleep...

I reiterate: your tale intimidates me on a creative level. Your way with words, the way you impose solid, inescapable emotions simply by what you're writing is a euphoria and a hell at the same time. There is no hope of competing with that, but you've definitely raised the bar.

Mistress Aura :justlips:
Dave: As per our conversation... here is the illustration... "Love is for Dummies". Thanks yet again - for writing this masterpiece.

To everyone that is NOT Dave... lmao: I did this illustration some time ago and have been sitting on it, not sure if I should post it. Then I read Dave's story here, and was floored by how good it was. My mind formed some weird connection between his kick-ass story, and this so-so pic I have attached. I dunno... maybe some of the same sort of concepts being explored, or something.

Regardless - Dave graciously gave me his permission to post the illo on his thread.

So here it is.

Dark, yes - but sometimes... love is for dummies.


I don't see anything so-so about this pic. Like I told you in our conversation, this pic moved me, still raw from the emotions of writing this story. There was a connection to it, a powerful one. It says so much in one little square block. You should be proud of it. To be able to throw all of one's momentary emotions into a thing like an image or a story is something. Something important.

Thanks so much for sharing this with me....with us.

Great work, and touching.

Your friend,
Analytical Nerds Anonymous

First let me start by saying that this was inordinately well written. I usually run through a story and think to myself at least once or twice well maybe that didn’t sound right. That is not the case here. You can just sit back and read. Your word choice and sentence structure are downright inspirational. I am studying synonyms through thesauruses and references specifically for this type of fiction and I still thought that serpentine was the belt on your car that only the dealership can change.

Second, let me say on a personal note that I read “The Torturer’s Apprentice” as a guide on how to approach fiction. I am actually a little taken back to be able to experience another one of your stories in real time. I am glad that you have taken the time to return from the long absence and share with us all. Even for those of us who may be on different sides of the spectrum, the sheer quality of the writing is so intense that it has to be respected and enjoyed.

Third, the greatest compliment that I can give is that the inherent depictions of tickling here are not really my cup of tea. I was at the tale end of a writing session last night, it was 1:00 a.m. and I decided to just read the first few paragraphs to see what the legendary dave2112 was up to. Even though I am not really into non-con, the sheer gravity of the story forced me to read the whole thing. The funny thing is that usually with works of this length (even some of my own) I am usually highly ADD but I found a gentle calm as the mystery of the story makes you go from line to line, page to page, beginning to end.

As some have said before, the sheer virtue of the fiction is worthy of a plot in a feature film, and that is saying something. It kind of reminds me of a movie called “Paycheck” but with a lot more INTERESTING additions. The way that you kept up with subtle details and fully chronicled the de-evolution of a persons psyche through the loss of key memories is just plain out of this world. I know that over the course of tens of thousands of words it is easy to forget to remember to have a character forget a key piece of information. The attention to detail to form such a continuous piece is just terrific.

Fourth, as a person with little experience reading your work, I can always learn something. In just the two pieces that I have read of yours I have actually come away with a better understanding of how to tickle a certain body part, especially the ribs for some reason. I think that to be able to create a story that is this entertaining and yet functional on so many levels is a real achievement.

Fifth, the realism. There are so many on this board that can identify with the world view of the main character. Even though it is not something that I can personally empathize with, I know that there are lots (a seen by the intense responses) of people who can really see themselves to an extent in the lead of this story.

Last but not least, the progression. You have a person who may have been perfectly normal and healthy before the onset of these extreme externalities that is plunged into a world where his entire psyche is completely transformed. The intensity of this story arch is actually a little disturbing when you think about it. The person manifests a progressive addiction to the sensation of addiction that culminates in the utter disregard for innocent human life or the suffering of another individual. This progression from playful sadism to purely sociopathic indulgence is a perfect representation of the life cycle of for lack of a better term a serial killer. I could feel the story turning that way but I had no idea that it would actually culminate as such. The scene while disturbing, was surprisingly functional.

You hit every psychological high note there was to make the transformation for lack of a better word perfect. The person looses grip with all other reality and his sense of true existence becomes more and more compartmentalized to his play which as the story progresses becomes more and more non consensual (consistent with progressive addiction). The feeling of being ALVIE when forcing others to suffer. The hate associated with the sexual power that a woman has over him (or in this case a synthetic) to say no, or leave. A lot of progressions such as this happen with prostitutes who are viewed as lower on the food chain and no one really CARES about them anyway (also consistent with the slaughter in the hotel). I could go on and on. The functionality of the characters darkening is like something out of a real case study. I could sit around and analyze this for hours if time permitted.

I think that this is a really entertaining piece, but for me it is also very enlightening. The progression to fetish play is not always a smooth journey nor is it always healthy. I remember an acquaintance who had certain interests based on insecurity and real self loathing rather than derived from comfort affirming leadership in her submissiveness. Seeing the different, being able to recognize them, and understand them is beneficial to everyone. I am really glad that there are such well represented terrifically written depictions of some of the darker elements on this forum, and from what I am learning you wrote a lot of them.

Thank you for taking the time to share this piece with us. I look forward to reading more of your intriguing work.
Wow, I honestly really don't know what to say. It seems this piece has moved a lot of people, and I am eternally grateful for that.

The fact that this story was relatively unplanned, at least as far as the flow and most of the details went, is testament to how very powerful these primal drives can be, how we can lock into them and make the choice to suffer them in order to either purge or create....to share or expose.

I am overwhelmed by your response, JJ, honestly. Thank you so very much. I am glad you enjoyed this story, and also The Torturer's Apprentice....and I'm moved by the fact that you mentioned that story as an inspiration for you.

Again, thank you.


But not for long. The teacher is back! I cut my teeth here years ago reading stuff like the Erica stories and thought - I wanna do stuff like that!

Along with writers like Marquis and JJ, this stands out as another piece of good, intelligent writing that contains tickling as opposed to being a piece of tickle fiction. There's a subtle difference, to me anyway.

This story was Philip K Dick, William Gibson, Nine Inch Nails and Ridley Scott. It was dark, dangerous, sexy and violent. Oh yeah, the tickling was pretty hot too.
Just amazing. You are such a talented writer. That story needs to be published... in a mainstream kind of way! It's one of the best I have read in a long time. On or off the forum.
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