This one was different. It affected me. It was like being a "method writer", becoming a part of what I was creating, and it sucked me in to a point where I couldn't get out. So much from inside my own mind, my own heart and soul, surfaced during the process of writing this, and I wasn't expecting that. I connected so intently with the topic I was writing about...the primality of living in the present (which is why I chose first-person/present tense for the first time in a story), the past not mattering, wanting to just "give it away", the future undecided....loneliness, the search for something, anything good and just sucked me in hard. When I was done writing, I spent two hours laying back on the bed, smoking, and trying to shake it off. It didn't work. In fact, a dear friend spent half the next day on the phone with me, re-grounding me and centering my head. There was just SO much emotion.