phinease are you this dumb?
or are you putting us on?
too easy. I'll ignore it.
you made 3 very large ussmptions, and i showed you how all three were incorrect. so, as i put it, 3 strikes and you're out!
actually, you completely
missed every point I've made. I won't make any cracks about who's being dumb now because I don't have to rely on insults to make my point.
I'll spell them out again, and this time I'll type slow.
1) The TMF population is mostly male, coming here to meet women. The evidence of this is all over the friggin' forum. Heck, ask the moderators if you prefer.
2) Men
generally (not in every case, but more often than women) have less to fear (safety and personal harm-wise) from Internet crazies than women. I make this statement based on crime statistics, personal experience, and the testimonies of many women from the 'Net that I know, including those who come here. I feel this point is further supported by the fact that everyone who posted here saying "I have nothing to fear" is MALE. The one woman who posted supported my view.
3) Women who come to the TMF are generally not looking for a partner. Evidence: the personals boards, plus comments they've made (almost all mention husands, boyfriends, or SOs.) As a result, they don't need to advertise.
4) Therefore, due to all of these factors, few of the women advertise where they're from, to avoid the attention.
why are you playing dumb like this?
still too easy.
i'd like to hear if any woman on the tmf has had cyber stalkers e different times?
what, you missed the link to the thread I posted where NJJen was
sexually molested by a guy she met off this very forum? Proof positive you're not reading what I'm writing - so why should I take your "disputes" the least bit seriously?
you keep saying that the women are so much more of a target, yet i've been targeted by 3 women (and i didn't think it germain before but by to homosexual men too).
I never said it didn't happen to men AT ALL, slappy. I said it happened to women MORE. Obviously you're living proof that men get stalked; but did you ever have anything to fear from these women? You yourself said no. Women, on the other hand, DO have more to fear from men, regarding violence. Not a single woman I know doesn't carry pepper spray these days. Wonder why?
In condensed form, since long sentences confuse you;
Men may get stalked almost as often as women, but they have no reason to fear the stalkers. Women, on the other hand, risk being hurt more often by their pursuers. The risk is not in attracting stalkers, but future risk by that stalker once contact is established.
i bet i'm not the only guy to experience this. but in spite of this i still have a profile, and posted my pic! why? to be open, honest and friendly.
...which is your decision, and your right. there is risk involved, but you feel it's minimal. that's acceptable, and I don't dispute that.
i still maintain, if a person is so paranoid, then don't have a profile either!
you missed this part too; who's playing dumb now? (sorry, couldn't resist). I'll bold it for you.
When you register at the TMF you are given a default profile whether you want one or not. What information you choose to put in it is up to you, but you cannot say "I don't want a profile at all."
As the original poster, I'd like to clear up one point: I am not (and never was) angry with anyone on the TMF. Not even Phineas.
"angry" was probably overkill. I understand your position, though.
But, the title of this thread is "Fortune Favors The Bold", not "Fortune Favors The Rather Timid" or "Fortune Favors The Extremely Paranoid".
women are taught so many ways to protect themselves from attackers nowadays; one of them is "limit the information you give out about yourself online until you know who you're dealing with". In addition, you're assuming everyone here, women included, is here to meet other tickephiles. As I've been saying all along, the women who come here aren't interested in matchmaking for various reasons, number one among them that they're almost all spoken for already.
If everyone held views like Phineas, there would be no gatherings, no 'munches', no personals section on this forum (whether full of men or not), no personal contact, tickling at all except for videos, chat, and fantasy.
have you talked to any of the folks who organize gatherings? ask them about the screening processes and security precautions they take sometimes.
and please don't label me as paranoid because I am presenting worst-case scenarios here. Sure, it won't happen to MOST people, but that doesn't mean we should all disregard every risk entirely. They *did* arrest a guy who was meeting women from an S&M chat room a year or two back because he was storing their leftovers in oil drums under his barn, you know.
Fine, I gues, for those content to aim low. But, I want more. And I believe many others do to.
the other MEN do. The women just want a place to congregate and chat. None of 'em have proven me wrong yet, so there ya go.