Hi Ivy, Im kevin from the UK, thanks for this wonderful thread. A few questions for you if I may. I have five, so sorry, hope that does not break too many rules.
1. If you were to do a tickle shoot with a girl in uniform being tickled theme, what would you choose and why?
2. Who is the best tickler you have ever, personal or professional, you have ever had the pleasure/torture of being at their mercy and is there one tickling they have given you which stands out?
3. Has your mom got revenge on you for that tickle video you did?
4. You say you hate your armptis being tickled. You also seem a confident girl and tickling is partly about temptation. Do you think you could be tempted into a bet in which if you win you win whatever is agreed (tapping into your confidence), but if you lose you lose, you get tickled with the armpits fair game? Would you be tempted into something like that, or would you resist that?
5. You know this scene, is there one female from any tickle producer (can be MTP, or anywhere else) you would like to work with in a tickle shoot that you have not already.
Many thanks for this again, it is a great insight and hopefully you will encourage more to get involved if they are out there.
Kevin, Nottingham, UK