Hello all!
This is Renee from ParadiseVision....aka ticklingparadise.com. Recently I have been reading some pretty awful stuff about my company....and my daughter. I would like to say a few things, if I may. First of all, most of the "bad press" is from 1999 before there ever was a Paradise Vision!!! Next, Gabrielle has not been part of Paradise Vision for almost two years now. I have been trying to run the company as best I can as I love tickling and all that goes with it!! As many of you know, the videos have gone down in number and it's hard to get the quality that we had when Gabrielle was here. Nevertheless.....if you're a member of our ticklingparadise website, you know that the quality of the photos and clips are still the best anywhere. I put my heart and soul into producing wonderful material for your enjoyment!! And my latest video, Ticklish Roommates, is without a doubt my best effort!! So.....at this time, I would publicly like to apologize for any ill feelings created in the past and I would like to respectfully request that you now judge me and my site...by ME!! I would very much like to participate in the tickling community and I would like you to please give me a chance, by getting to know me a little. It is my goal to produce a quality product on a quality site!! If you haven't been to our site lately, please feel free to take another look at
http://www.ticklingparadise.com....you can see previews of our updates and videos. And now we have pay per view so you can watch whatever you like for however long you like!! I am open to suggestions, comments, and whatever. I cannot change what happened 5 years ago....but I can promise you kindness, ethics, and goodness from me! Please give me a try!!
Thanks alot!!