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Girl #6 (CheshireCat) "AmyJoe"

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I was thinking more of California....just enough of the country western influence along with that Venice Beach Hippy scene.....last thing I wanted was for her to be a redneck....LOL
LOOL 🙂 a redneck is the top inside a stereotypical japanese game 😛

She can came from CA, but her style look very .....texan 😀
The two-part name probably gives her more of a redneck look than you wanted then 😛
Personally, I like the idea of occidental names not pertaining to ethnicity. All was going smoothly until my american girl and anime316's authentic japanese named girl were added to the equation. Like why would Miyuki be the only japanese character with an actual japanese name and why would they all have american names identical in origin to a "true american" in the game.....I dunno...its all confusing....either we give them all american names, or keep them all pertaining to regional demographics....in the end I doubt the player will care either way, just how to get to the part with the tickling...LOL

Maybe we could really screw with the players heads and make them all american named EXCEPT for the American Girl! LOL! Or just completely mix it up into all combinations, Japanese, American and even some European or mainland Asian names......me bein' all silly....😛
No name changing for now 😀 let's continuw on this way, then we'll see 🙂

Regarding the age: we decided to make the girls as teens, and this exchange student is older than the others, she can be 22, more or less 🙂

The reason why they can't be in the same class is because if you look at her proportion she is not like the others 😀
I did the choice to keep the artist style instead of uniform all the artists to a japanese style, and this choice give some problems....that's why i decided to separate the girls so you will not see a bunch of different girls all toghether in a classroom 😛
hmmm...come to think of it it MAY be awkward to see, say, Anime316's girl in the same outfit as, say, CC's girl as they DO look radically different.
And AGAIN the reason I made her look taller and more developed is because...well...have you really actually made a comparison between american teens and japanese teens? Do you see how they're built these days?? You are in some serious denial if thats the ONLY reason why you want to put her into a different grade than the others. Hell I can remember going to MIDDLE SCHOOL with girls proportioned like that! LOL But if there really is no other way to do it than its cool, go ahead and put her in a different class. But question, how would the player meet her if she is indeed in another classroom? Unless it was in a common area of the school like the cateferia or library or something......

And I thought each character being in a different style was one of the things that was going to make the game interesting. It can be chalked up to the idea of everyone being diverse from one another not only in physical appearance as we all are in real life, but now also in art style! Hypothetically, if one artist did all the designs in the style you were looking for, they would each have nearly the exact same eyes, noses, and mouths and would probably have strikingly similar bodies. By using a different artist for different girls, we create a diversity of faces and bodies, and in the same way different features would attract you too someone in real life, the player will be attracted to the renderings of their choice/preference in the game.

As for the uniform, we could each take our hand at attempting to draw the same one "Angel" wears for our respective girls and again, just see what happens....
as i said many times we discuss about things: the project is mine because i started and invented all 🙂 but i'm not a "man with the whip" , so if someonehave some idea i consider them 😉

I must admit that you (CC) are the first that fight so much for each decision LOOOL 😀 but i like this spirit, and also i like the way that you draw your characters 🙂

From now i'll give only directives about what is needed in teh game, for the rest all of you will be free to decide what you want for your character 😀 soon i'll post a.doc with the standard and the thing that " I decide" and that can't be changed ; for the rest we can discuss about the other things 🙂

Of course this don't mean "i can do what i want" 😀 , anarchy is not permitted here...expecially in a project involving more than one person 😀
Oh no, dont get me wrong, I wasnt trying to fight, just give the "other side" of the story so to speak and trying to justify some of the things I do with my characters. I am sorry if I came off that way though.....

And by the way, who says all the girls have to be in the school? If you ask me that sounds a bit too easy in the long run for the player....what if there are some girls that you can only meet outside of school because they do indeed go to a different school or are in another grade? It could be a way to get around the school uniform dilema....(of course you should have considered this issue when you decided to have a variety of different artists working on this...LOL)
While splitting some posts from the A316 thread into here I had an idea. Could CC's girl be teaching at the player's school as an English teacher? Oooorrr he could be his tutor even?
Great idea 😀
Maybe the idea that we had about only one dominant adult character is gone, but this can be a good idea 😀 an exchange teacher instead of a student, that live in her Wv van and that is not so dominant like the nurse 🙂 If CC like the idea we can go on this line 😉

My mind is beginning to run about the various possibilities that this thing can have on the entire story 😀

Another good shot Nessie 🙂
Possible story...she is a young student teacher from the U.S. (Im thinking Berkley) but is finding it difficult to fit into the Japanese culture. None of the students like her cause she's so different so she is very eager to be friends with the player. 😀
The idea is ok 🙂 we can change the plot that we had so the problem is resolved and all are happy! 😀😀😀

I appreciate the idea about the story...but is too depressive😛 she can be very easy to manipulate if touched on the right spots 🙂 I have some interesting ideas about how she can be a good mix of dominant and submissive 🙂 and maybe she can be the star for the trio scene 😀

CC: don't forget that we need also some "common" dress for the school: if she is a teacher she can't go to school like thois 😀 all the girls has a uniform and a "common set" of dress (the one that works also had the work uniform, so the dresses are 3 instead of 2 😀 )

For all the graphics: Since i saw that all in general are very relaxed (and i'm working like a mule T_T )...is time to give some assignments 😀
all girls must have:

1-School uniform (or dress that are acceptable in a japanese school)

2-Working uniform (for the characters that works)

3-Casual dress (1 or 2 dresses like jeans and t-shirt, or something that they can wear everyday)

4-Underwear (your choice what laywer do you want to fix to the character)


6-gymwear (nothing too sexy...is something for the school 😀)

In general this is the minimum wardrobe for a girl, then if she is in a specific club (cooking club, athletic club, or any idea that can run in your head 😀) she must have something that tells to all that she is "inside" this club 😀

Of course the priorit is for the expressions for all the girls, so if something pending is better to finish before the expressions 😀

That's all for now 😀
Thanks for that list, FA! I must add it to the "Rules" thread
Well then.....um...........a teacher was probably like the last thing I was thinking of when I came up with this girl.....you thought she was too old looking for a student? Well I'm gonna have a sweet time AGING her older so she can be a teacher!!! LOL. It could work though. Can I pitch the idea I had for her though and just see what you think?

I thought of the american girl as being more of a free spirit, a wandering minstrel of sorts who cannot be held down. She has an attraction to the natural beauty of the world and is rarely swayed by the glitz and glamour of commercial society. Basically the very raw basics of both the origins of country and hippy musical styles, the love of life, love and freedom.....and all that crap....😛 Think of an almost native american mentality with the natural world. She could still be the outsider as well, not really knowing how to fit in, but not really caring either way, just happy to be alive. Her dedication towards school would be trivial at best. Her attitude is that life is one long adventure and all changes and detours happen for a reason. She loves not knowing where she'll wake up next! (and thats not a slut joke either, take it at face value 😛)

Now in the student exchange program, students usually stay with "house parents", a family from the area they have moved too that usually they themselves have a child in the program. My favorite idea I came up with was maybe she lives with a single older Japanese woman of "loose" morals (think of Misato from Neon Genesis Evangelion in her mid to late 40's, maybe even that "MILF" that Nessie mentioned earlier? I can imagine an amusing sequence with her answering the door with a snifter of brandy in one hand, a cigarette in the other.....and not much else....ROFLMAO) but of course our girl hates sleeping in one place more than once so she prefers the accomidations provided by her own VW Bus. Is there any way you could make her pop up in different locations completely at random? Man now shes starting to sound like Ryoga from Ranma 1/2....LOL

If you guys still want to go with the teacher idea, thats cool too. But I did finally come up with a name that I think would suit her perfectly (if she stays a student). I can't believe that I of all people didnt already suggest this name and if you exclude the negative context to counterculture, it really is the all american girl name:


😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

PS: And not to worry....I have no intention of suggesting anything in that realm either....I pwomise! I had thought of it with her being a hippy and all, but it would just be inappropriate and offensive to some I think 😉
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My favorite idea I came up with was maybe she lives with a single older Japanese woman of "loose" morals (think of Misato from Neon Genesis Evangelion in her mid to late 40's, maybe even that "MILF" that Nessie mentioned earlier? I can imagine an amusing sequence with her answering the door with a snifter of brandy in one hand, a cigarette in the other.....and not much else....ROFLMAO) but of course our girl hates sleeping in one place more than once so she prefers the accomidations provided by her own VW Bus. Is there any way you could make her pop up in different locations completely at random?

I LIKE that idea! I picture the landlady hitting on the player and letting her shirt "accidentally" fall open. LOL
When I said teacher I meant a student teacher....like a college aged teacher's aid. What would be better, and would fit in more with your idea of the char., is a girl who is a wandering free spirit but who took up teaching or tutoring English as a source of income. Something's gotta put gas in the mini-bus. 😀
nessonite said:
I LIKE that idea! I picture the landlady hitting on the player and letting her shirt "accidentally" fall open. LOL
When I said teacher I meant a student teacher....like a college aged teacher's aid. What would be better, and would fit in more with your idea of the char., is a girl who is a wandering free spirit but who took up teaching or tutoring English as a source of income. Something's gotta put gas in the mini-bus. 😀

Heh.....I always pictured her playing a guitar for loose change in public areas but that could work too......for some reason I also picture her being notoriously late for everything or just going AWOL all together.....again, life taking her where it will......still trying to think of how to work the guitar in there....it would probably all click with everyone if I did the final design for her with the guitar showing.......her true aspiration is to become a famous country music singer after all....

(its so ironic that I came up with this girl.....I HATE COUNTRY!!!!! But I like the concept! LOL)
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hahahaha keep in mind that all I'm going by is a picture. 😛 My mind wandered in a lot of different directions than yours did aparently. 😀
Well well...the teacher idea begin to unleash the thinking of the group! well well😀😀

I think CC did a good observation, and Nessie answered in the same way as i was thinking to do 🙂

- She is young...not so old to be a former teacher

- She is old, not so young to be a student in the same classroom with the others

- She is in the right age to be a "hippy real original american girl", so she travel the world, she love her country and she love ot teach about her country and her language to people that don't know about US; her work can be to teach American language and history, but she is not a teacher...she is a globetrotter minstrel 🙂 (if we was playing a fantasy game she can be a "bard"...a mix between a thief and a singer, this is to give to you the idea that i had for this character 😀 ) very "politically incorrect" 😀 the famous Bit*H that nessie said time ago 🙂

- She can live with the "misato clone" but as you said "she is a free spirit and don't like to sleep in the same place too much time" (except that her loved WV bus of course), so is a contraddiction that she can live with someone 🙂 maybe this girl can be a friend of her...the only one that is like her 😀 but i prefer to make her not so old....in the mid '30 is acceptable 😉

- I like the "spidey name" MJ 😀 as we said tim ago the names are not a problem, we can use alias, like "minako AKA mina or nana'" (sorry for the names...but i'm not good in those things lol), or we can use all japanese names or all occidental names; this is not a problem 😀

- I hope she will not like Ryoga...or we will search for her inside the garden..while she is searching the exit LOOL 😀

- I avoid the idea of make her appearence a random factor, because in this way i add an element that can be accomplished or not...and i prefer that the player will have some fixed points.....because the game will be so big and so free that maybe the player can give up before beginning 🙁 and this mean tha twe throw in the bath months and moths f hard work >_<

Tell em what you don't like 🙂
Just something I thought I'd point out. Pretty much all the work I have ready to be scanned is of the American Student-Teacher girl. I figured I'd be sure to finish one girl completely before even considering the Bookworm. I am going to need help though on the "animation" aspect of the images. I did the basic stocks pose, along with a page of various "foot poses" and alternate head shots to be used as animation stills during the tickling along with alternate clothing like her work clothes and a bikini.

The head shots may be a bit difficult since she has long hair which goes both behind and in front of her body. Can we seperate the hair into two layers that move together with each frame of movement? I mean I can provide all the raw imagery needed if someone else can animate it.

This is all, of course, only if I can get around this damn scanner problem. I didnt want to spring for a cheap scanner because it would most likely break down even faster than the original and having mine fixed would cost more than a new one. So I'm currently scrimping and saving for a new model. I just wish the waranty hadnt expired already...

I've also realized I already have a character in my Cali and Friends series I havent introduced yet named Mary Jane. The name is pretty ironclad since she actually is something of a half human/half weed hybrid....LOL.....chances are the name is the last thing that'll be settled with this character...
CC: honestly i have no idea aobut what are you talking about 😛 Nessie did the PSD files using different layers for each animation, so if i want an animation i simply need to call from the game the sequence of the psd layes and let them appear and disappear, so it will give the illusion of the continous movement, but regarding tech info you shoul ask to Nessie directly😛

Regarding the hairs: you canthrow them in the back, leaving a couple of hair on her face, that will give more action to the scene if they will be animated a little), anyway talk with Nessie😀 i'nm not the best person to give advice regarding artistic stuff LOL

For the scanner....in the worst case tell to us when is your birthday and we will try to collect some money inside the group to buy a new scanner for you 🙂 (don't start with scanner and finish with hummer 😀 LOOL )

Regarding the name: i love Sue-Ellen or Amy-Jo, so if you had problem with the other name that you sued for your char is not a problem 😀 we are full of double names 😛
CC's birthday was over a month ago 😀 😛

I am not QUITE sure I understand what it is you have on paper. I could possibly put it together the way FA needs it if you were to scan them. Since you can't...hmmm...
You could always mail them and I can scan them if you want to trust it to the Post Office Gods. 😛
Damn.....why i didn't asked before ? 😛

Anyway we can make a present for the next birthday lol; tell me how much you need and i will send something to Nessie 🙂

Or you can do as she said.....she can scan and arrange the work, then she cans end to you via email so you can contine to work 😀
This thread is about to be closed, since i have no news from CC since a couple of months ago.

The next week i will consider closed this thread with another AMEN......

I hope that CC will post his intention here, so we can knowif he is still with us or not.
Seems that CC has no intention of continuing his char, so it will be here and i don't know if i will use it, since there are no tickling drawings, but we will see, maybe he will return and will complete his creature 🙂

Closed and AMEN
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