Wow.....I just come on.....and this thread is at 20,000 views!
I'm going to have a little more to add here and there on this thread, but the majority of it is finished....! (not so on some of the other threads, and threads to be! A few more "ticklish girl" threads.....the best have been saved for last!). Also....I have a whole slew of similar stuff to post.....and I'm not sure if to post it in this thread, or another thread....anyhow, there will still be some odds and ends, including a word document that has a lot of girls in it that I only have their picture in the Word Document (there's no way of extracting a jpeg from a picture copied and pasted into a word document is there?). And there's a few others that I'm bound to post, that are in this other folder I still haven't looked at......
Anyway, Happy New Year, friends........alot of these girls, you know they're all out partying tonight.......and some of them....some of the girls on these pages.......some of them are going to be tickled know it's true. 😉
18 year old cutie...
Q: Are you ticklish and where?
A: under my arms