Here's a ticklish, married, actressgirl!:
Q: "where is your most ticklish spot? the feet?"
A: "Everywhere equally. I laugh and cringe if someone comes near me with a pointed finger!"
Q: "are you ticklish, and if so where? when were you last tickled lol?"
A: "*Nervous laughter* yes, I`m ticklish...everywhere. I was last tickled last night and I don`t feel any guilt about the black eye I left on the poor guy."
So for this, I emailed her and got her to elaborate, I wrote:
"Hahaha, I just read your interview I know what to do if I chase you! I'd catch you and tickle you hysterical, hehehe, or at least hold your arms high above your head so your hubby can do it 😛
(just kiddin'! you gave a guy a black eye??) "
So SHE answered:
"If you tickle me, you WILL get a black eye. lol Yes, my friend (in my gallery). He pinned me and tickled me...I got a free hand and swung him right in the eye. He rolled over holding his eye going, "FUCK WOMAN!" LOL"
So I answered:
"I can't get a black eye if I get a buddy to hold your arms! heheheh. Now this chasing you thing is gettin' good! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! C'mon boys! Get her!!! 😉 " (and then at the end of the email, after we talked about other things): "C'mon boys! Get her!!! (cracks knuckles) Mwahahahahahahahah! "
So SHE answered:
"There are no abbreviations or complete words to tell you how hard I'm laughing right now! OMG!
I'd scream like the girl I am if I had three guys chasing me in this teeny apartment! You'd all get black eyes...guaranteed. lol"
So I answered:
"Three guys? I think we have to make it like 5 guys! We can't risk having black eyes!!!! One to hold down each limb and then the guy with the biggest, most skillful hands to administer the punishment....the punishment for being so pretty!! haha. See? That's what you get for being so cute!
Let that be a lesson to you, Missy! Don't miss under the arms, man! And dig into the sides, damn you, she'll punch us all out!!! " (and then again, after writing about other things I wrote): "Speaking of belly, ok boys, time for you to give her a series of raspberries on her belly!!!!! That'll teach her to wear belly shirts, and dress up like a kitty for halloween! 1,2,3, GO!"
So SHE answered:
"You're a butt. lol I'll cry if that many people tickle me! I'll get you back though, my girlfriend and I will kick your hiney! Are you even ticklish?"
Ha. Attacked by her and her friends, hmmm, I'm surprised I never answered!