Hello ladies and gentlemen, If your sick of threads regarding the afterlife or religon, read no further! Me and my good pal Amnesiac started another debate and unintentionally kind of strayed from the topic. If you are interested in following what we've been talking about, please go to this link and it will inform you:
Also anyone whom wishes to jump in please do so and as Amnesiac so cleverly put it "let it all out". Feel free to tear each others belief systems apart (or mine for that matter), let go entirley just please no remarks bearing personal insult toward anyone because of their beliefs, and please I'll ask you not to call a particular group, sect, religon, or organization "a bunch of morons" or something to that effect. Me and Amnesiac can have these disscussions and part as friends, there is no reason the rest of us can't.
Also a note to other Christians whom wish to participate: I am considered to be part of the sect of Christianity that has been labeled (I hate labels, but what the hell), "Christian Universalists", which means I believe in the salvation of all mankind, and believe the bible when translated literally supports this belief, if you have any questions about it feel free to ask in this disscussion or e-mail me, the adress is in my profile.
On to the thread:
"Reward? Does this mean the mortal coil is done in pursuit of a GOAL? Hmmmmmmmm?! Sounds rather materialistic, even in a spiritual way. Besides, maybe it could be argued that the reward can be used to rationalize the suffering one endures, no matter how unfair."
Everything is done in pursuit of a goal, name something that isn't, even if the goal is simple self-gratification, no matter how irrational that goal may be, everything is done for the purpose of gain. It's only a matter of whom we hurt or don't hurt in the process that makes it right or wrong. If you think humanity endures suffering because of God....well I suppose parents could lock there kids up in a sanitary and harmless room for the duration of their life, so they won't get hurt by the rest of the world.
"A racer has just won his trophy. He is battered, bruised, beaten and his legs have broken, but he's ecstatic.
GUY in CROWD: Yeah, way to go! You got it didn't ya? And after all that running too...gee, ya didn't even slow down when life clubbed you in the head did ya...or, or when circumstance tripped you and knocked out your front teeth...remember when situation sodomized you? I thought you were done for there. But you got your trophy! Yay! Of course, you can't run anymore now...because, y'know, your legs are broken and...probably won't heal completely...but HEY! It was worth it wasn't it?
This is inconsistent with what I said, the racer broke both legs and won't ever heal completeley, in the version of the afterlife the Bible teaches you are healed completley.
"Think of it this way. If the tool cripples you in the process of teaching, then you'll never be back at 100%...which means that you may not be able to use the lesson as best as you could before the "injury"..."
But you are healed one hundred percent no matter what, there is no crippling, for crippling would be a permanent thing. And sometims injury helps you learn your lesson alot quicker.
"which can not only curtail your ability to complete your learning process, but the results of which can set you up for unpleasant "cleansing" that you probably wouldn't need if you hadn't been hurt."
Alot of human beings (not all, I won't even say most) build up emotional barriers when they are hurt, you face your hurt for what it is and come to terms with it or you self-program yourself to react differently. You mereley overcome these feelings now, or you do so in the next life with a little extra help.
"Norm McDonald in bed with a broken arm. Life stands next to him. They discuss a life lesson Norm has just learned.
NORM: Wow, that was...that was SOME lesson, boy I'll tell ya.
LIFE: Yeah, a real doozy.
NORM: Is it always that hard for other people?
LIFE: No, not really. I was as surprised as you were.
NORM: Well, as long as I learned something, that's what counts right?
LIFE: That's it, that's the spirit! Find the best in it.
NORM: Yeah, yeah, that's what counts! Y'know, even if you DID break my arm in the process...yeah...yeah, y'know I thought you were just gonna, y'know twist it a little or, maybe squeeze it, or, or any other kind of pain in small amounts...yeah, but you...you just broke the whole thing. Wow, that's uh...that's somethin' I'll tell ya what."
I must admit this is quite humorous LOL (I can picture Norm saying something like that), but however a break is mereley a twist and a squeeze on a broader scale, and the vast majority of the time people are given a "squeeze" at least far before the break ever comes their way, they just choose to ignore the warning, or the break happens to them because of the cause of another human. But let's take the vast minority and put them into perspective:
Little Julie walks home from school, there is supposed to be rain, her parents are aware of this but they can't pick her up because the car broke down, Julie doesn't live far from home, so she decides to walk, and she is dressed for the weather. Julie happens to walk by a tree simultaniousley as it is being struck by lightning, the tree falls, hitting her and she becomes paralyzed from the waste down. However this is an act of nature, (some people would say act of God), the laws of physics came into play and Julie was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Nobodys fault whatsoever.
BUT she has two choices:
A) Remain depressed about it for the entirety of her life, die bitter and unhappy.
B) Compensate for her handicaps, get married & have kids (if she wants to),get a career she loves, or in a more general way have a long happy healthy life before dieing.
"First of all, I'm NOT making light of your friend's ordeal (even I'M not THAT wrong)."
Oh no bro! (LOL) I don't think you are at all, don't worry about it.
"But is it too much to research a person's past and get a blood test from them before you do anything with them? Or is that WAY too extreme a measure in the social world and normally people don't go that far?"
This would fall under human accountability again, the plain fact of the matter is that most people don't do that, they decide to trust the person instead. Again your also limiting your scope to where people can afford it, and blood tests are available.
My friend definitley had accountability in this issue herself, but she's only human, I might have made the same mistake with a woman who I dug on at the age she was at.
"And if someone is a sociopath (someone with no conscience through no choice of their own), then...isn't God responsible for that?"
That depends on whether you think Sociopaths are born or made by society, I don't think either/or has been proven, but I might be wrong and I'll try to clear that up, here is websters definition of a Sociopath:
"One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by antisocial behavior."
"I'd prefer complete oblivion; to not exist in any way shape or form. That way I don't have to answer to anybody or owe anybody anything."
Yes but you would also not be able to think for yourself because you simply wouldn't be. I guess it depends on whether you value this kind of freedom over the ability to be aware, to reason, and to feel.
"As for why we die, the best answer I can think of comes from an episode of Bablyon 5, in the words of Lorien, the oldest being in the universe (and a better idea of God than any I've heard of)
"At first we were kept in balance by birth rate...then I think the universe decided that to appreciate life, for there to be change and growth, life had to be short...so those who followed us grew old, infirmed and died....To live on as we have is to leave behind joy and love and companionship because we know it to be transitory: of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those whose lives are brief can believe that love is eternal."
By that rationale your believing in a God, your just calling him the universe, this would also fall into the realm of a higher being making decisions for us and deciding what is best for us which would be contradictory to the point of view you've presented earlier. Also there is nothing that proves that if you can love someone for a lifetime and that you can't love them eternally, or that love would cease to exist if we are immortal.
"This sounds sinister. As a being with precognition, he'd know what would happen. Tell me, as a mortal, which is more FUN? Letting your opponent go and taking solace in the knowledge that you are right? Or letting them think they've won knowing that they'll come crawling back to you?"
Tell me as a mortal which would you do for your children, lock them up in a basement with everything they need to survive? Or teach them the best you could and allow them to live their own lives?
"By the way, I'm going to remember that "created our own flaws" line for future reference (bwahahahahahaha!)"
"From what I can remember, God found out that they ate the fruit, and then said "Okay! Everybody out of the pool!". Even though he knew they had been duped...AFTER they told him of course."
No he knew from the beggining, what had happened, he allowed them the oppurtunity to tell him the truth. And yes he threw them out of eden, I didn't say he didn't. But allow me to explain that Eve was lied to, but the Hebrew word which we can best translate as "seduced", in Hebrew meant to entice into sex, in short Lucifer boned her, she CHOSE to believe the serpent whom had cum inside her, instead of her father whom had given them eternal life. Adam went along with his wife rather then refusing her, the fruit was sweeter to him then the tranquility he lived in therefore sin DID appeal to them, also there is nothing that suggests they didn't know what God would do if they ate from the tree, the tree allowed them to be mortal, and to be succeptable to the threats of the world around them, for God did tell them that they would die if they ate of it. He allowed them the choice, to take of mortality or not and it was something they wanted, they just had to figure it out for themselves.
"The point of this argument was that the man was going to get what he was going to get in the first place, so why was he not compensated for all the work he did that he wasn't paid for already? If you agree to do a job and you fall and break your legs, is it enough that they pay you for the job and say "there ya go?" You were going to get paid for the job whether you broke your legs or not, so what about the compensation? And another thing: Anybody who belongs to the world will tell you that just because you look and work towards a better job doesn't mean you'll get it."
Your point would be valid if he were doing something that was neccessary to his immortality, however, he was building a house for HIMSELF. The only person whom could reward himself for working for himself is guess who? HIMSELF. It wasn't neccessary to anyone, it was just something he wanted to do (and there is nothing wrong with that).
What is God not compensating him for that he should?
"Which means that the entire journey of life is pointless. Because if you start at point A before life and end at point A after life...you end up right back where you started from.
That's not a journey...THAT'S A CIRCLE!"
A circle or an infinite path with infinite possibilities? Just because the heaven we know of is the level beyond this one does not believe that there is a level beyond that which we will grow to and perhaps reach a destination of wonders that Adam and Eve never experianced in Eden, it's still eternal because life is eternal.
"It doesn't GO anywhere!"
Niether does oblivion, it's mereley nothing, I would even prefer "Bliss-On-Tap" to that.
"Everything you learned on the journey doesn't matter because you'd never go anywhere with it except back to where you started from."
Perhaps beyond where you started from, a greater enlightenment and understanding of your self then you had before.
"Also, doesn't that seem sinister to you? Because, with all the cleansing and after-life forgiveness that happens after death...then all your humanity is stripped away. That means that all free will was was a toy that you got to play with for a while, but never get to keep.God puts you on Earth...to create your individuality...only to burn it away with the afterlife cleansing when you go back to being someone who thinks he's the BEST! Eitehr way, you start and end as a conformist drone."
Whose to say we don't have free will in heaven? We're just incapable of hurting one another and ourselves. Or maybe there is no desire too because we've learned better, and our logic and spirit finally prevail over our emotions and motivations.
I will admit that this is the best point you've made thus far.
"There! Try and top THAT! (noogie-noogie-noogie!)"
I think I just did (titty-twister!)
Also anyone whom wishes to jump in please do so and as Amnesiac so cleverly put it "let it all out". Feel free to tear each others belief systems apart (or mine for that matter), let go entirley just please no remarks bearing personal insult toward anyone because of their beliefs, and please I'll ask you not to call a particular group, sect, religon, or organization "a bunch of morons" or something to that effect. Me and Amnesiac can have these disscussions and part as friends, there is no reason the rest of us can't.
Also a note to other Christians whom wish to participate: I am considered to be part of the sect of Christianity that has been labeled (I hate labels, but what the hell), "Christian Universalists", which means I believe in the salvation of all mankind, and believe the bible when translated literally supports this belief, if you have any questions about it feel free to ask in this disscussion or e-mail me, the adress is in my profile.
On to the thread:
"Reward? Does this mean the mortal coil is done in pursuit of a GOAL? Hmmmmmmmm?! Sounds rather materialistic, even in a spiritual way. Besides, maybe it could be argued that the reward can be used to rationalize the suffering one endures, no matter how unfair."
Everything is done in pursuit of a goal, name something that isn't, even if the goal is simple self-gratification, no matter how irrational that goal may be, everything is done for the purpose of gain. It's only a matter of whom we hurt or don't hurt in the process that makes it right or wrong. If you think humanity endures suffering because of God....well I suppose parents could lock there kids up in a sanitary and harmless room for the duration of their life, so they won't get hurt by the rest of the world.
"A racer has just won his trophy. He is battered, bruised, beaten and his legs have broken, but he's ecstatic.
GUY in CROWD: Yeah, way to go! You got it didn't ya? And after all that running too...gee, ya didn't even slow down when life clubbed you in the head did ya...or, or when circumstance tripped you and knocked out your front teeth...remember when situation sodomized you? I thought you were done for there. But you got your trophy! Yay! Of course, you can't run anymore now...because, y'know, your legs are broken and...probably won't heal completely...but HEY! It was worth it wasn't it?
This is inconsistent with what I said, the racer broke both legs and won't ever heal completeley, in the version of the afterlife the Bible teaches you are healed completley.
"Think of it this way. If the tool cripples you in the process of teaching, then you'll never be back at 100%...which means that you may not be able to use the lesson as best as you could before the "injury"..."
But you are healed one hundred percent no matter what, there is no crippling, for crippling would be a permanent thing. And sometims injury helps you learn your lesson alot quicker.
"which can not only curtail your ability to complete your learning process, but the results of which can set you up for unpleasant "cleansing" that you probably wouldn't need if you hadn't been hurt."
Alot of human beings (not all, I won't even say most) build up emotional barriers when they are hurt, you face your hurt for what it is and come to terms with it or you self-program yourself to react differently. You mereley overcome these feelings now, or you do so in the next life with a little extra help.
"Norm McDonald in bed with a broken arm. Life stands next to him. They discuss a life lesson Norm has just learned.
NORM: Wow, that was...that was SOME lesson, boy I'll tell ya.
LIFE: Yeah, a real doozy.
NORM: Is it always that hard for other people?
LIFE: No, not really. I was as surprised as you were.
NORM: Well, as long as I learned something, that's what counts right?
LIFE: That's it, that's the spirit! Find the best in it.
NORM: Yeah, yeah, that's what counts! Y'know, even if you DID break my arm in the process...yeah...yeah, y'know I thought you were just gonna, y'know twist it a little or, maybe squeeze it, or, or any other kind of pain in small amounts...yeah, but you...you just broke the whole thing. Wow, that's uh...that's somethin' I'll tell ya what."
I must admit this is quite humorous LOL (I can picture Norm saying something like that), but however a break is mereley a twist and a squeeze on a broader scale, and the vast majority of the time people are given a "squeeze" at least far before the break ever comes their way, they just choose to ignore the warning, or the break happens to them because of the cause of another human. But let's take the vast minority and put them into perspective:
Little Julie walks home from school, there is supposed to be rain, her parents are aware of this but they can't pick her up because the car broke down, Julie doesn't live far from home, so she decides to walk, and she is dressed for the weather. Julie happens to walk by a tree simultaniousley as it is being struck by lightning, the tree falls, hitting her and she becomes paralyzed from the waste down. However this is an act of nature, (some people would say act of God), the laws of physics came into play and Julie was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Nobodys fault whatsoever.
BUT she has two choices:
A) Remain depressed about it for the entirety of her life, die bitter and unhappy.
B) Compensate for her handicaps, get married & have kids (if she wants to),get a career she loves, or in a more general way have a long happy healthy life before dieing.
"First of all, I'm NOT making light of your friend's ordeal (even I'M not THAT wrong)."
Oh no bro! (LOL) I don't think you are at all, don't worry about it.
"But is it too much to research a person's past and get a blood test from them before you do anything with them? Or is that WAY too extreme a measure in the social world and normally people don't go that far?"
This would fall under human accountability again, the plain fact of the matter is that most people don't do that, they decide to trust the person instead. Again your also limiting your scope to where people can afford it, and blood tests are available.
My friend definitley had accountability in this issue herself, but she's only human, I might have made the same mistake with a woman who I dug on at the age she was at.
"And if someone is a sociopath (someone with no conscience through no choice of their own), then...isn't God responsible for that?"
That depends on whether you think Sociopaths are born or made by society, I don't think either/or has been proven, but I might be wrong and I'll try to clear that up, here is websters definition of a Sociopath:
"One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by antisocial behavior."
"I'd prefer complete oblivion; to not exist in any way shape or form. That way I don't have to answer to anybody or owe anybody anything."
Yes but you would also not be able to think for yourself because you simply wouldn't be. I guess it depends on whether you value this kind of freedom over the ability to be aware, to reason, and to feel.
"As for why we die, the best answer I can think of comes from an episode of Bablyon 5, in the words of Lorien, the oldest being in the universe (and a better idea of God than any I've heard of)
"At first we were kept in balance by birth rate...then I think the universe decided that to appreciate life, for there to be change and growth, life had to be short...so those who followed us grew old, infirmed and died....To live on as we have is to leave behind joy and love and companionship because we know it to be transitory: of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those whose lives are brief can believe that love is eternal."
By that rationale your believing in a God, your just calling him the universe, this would also fall into the realm of a higher being making decisions for us and deciding what is best for us which would be contradictory to the point of view you've presented earlier. Also there is nothing that proves that if you can love someone for a lifetime and that you can't love them eternally, or that love would cease to exist if we are immortal.
"This sounds sinister. As a being with precognition, he'd know what would happen. Tell me, as a mortal, which is more FUN? Letting your opponent go and taking solace in the knowledge that you are right? Or letting them think they've won knowing that they'll come crawling back to you?"
Tell me as a mortal which would you do for your children, lock them up in a basement with everything they need to survive? Or teach them the best you could and allow them to live their own lives?
"By the way, I'm going to remember that "created our own flaws" line for future reference (bwahahahahahaha!)"
"From what I can remember, God found out that they ate the fruit, and then said "Okay! Everybody out of the pool!". Even though he knew they had been duped...AFTER they told him of course."
No he knew from the beggining, what had happened, he allowed them the oppurtunity to tell him the truth. And yes he threw them out of eden, I didn't say he didn't. But allow me to explain that Eve was lied to, but the Hebrew word which we can best translate as "seduced", in Hebrew meant to entice into sex, in short Lucifer boned her, she CHOSE to believe the serpent whom had cum inside her, instead of her father whom had given them eternal life. Adam went along with his wife rather then refusing her, the fruit was sweeter to him then the tranquility he lived in therefore sin DID appeal to them, also there is nothing that suggests they didn't know what God would do if they ate from the tree, the tree allowed them to be mortal, and to be succeptable to the threats of the world around them, for God did tell them that they would die if they ate of it. He allowed them the choice, to take of mortality or not and it was something they wanted, they just had to figure it out for themselves.
"The point of this argument was that the man was going to get what he was going to get in the first place, so why was he not compensated for all the work he did that he wasn't paid for already? If you agree to do a job and you fall and break your legs, is it enough that they pay you for the job and say "there ya go?" You were going to get paid for the job whether you broke your legs or not, so what about the compensation? And another thing: Anybody who belongs to the world will tell you that just because you look and work towards a better job doesn't mean you'll get it."
Your point would be valid if he were doing something that was neccessary to his immortality, however, he was building a house for HIMSELF. The only person whom could reward himself for working for himself is guess who? HIMSELF. It wasn't neccessary to anyone, it was just something he wanted to do (and there is nothing wrong with that).
What is God not compensating him for that he should?
"Which means that the entire journey of life is pointless. Because if you start at point A before life and end at point A after life...you end up right back where you started from.
That's not a journey...THAT'S A CIRCLE!"
A circle or an infinite path with infinite possibilities? Just because the heaven we know of is the level beyond this one does not believe that there is a level beyond that which we will grow to and perhaps reach a destination of wonders that Adam and Eve never experianced in Eden, it's still eternal because life is eternal.
"It doesn't GO anywhere!"
Niether does oblivion, it's mereley nothing, I would even prefer "Bliss-On-Tap" to that.
"Everything you learned on the journey doesn't matter because you'd never go anywhere with it except back to where you started from."
Perhaps beyond where you started from, a greater enlightenment and understanding of your self then you had before.
"Also, doesn't that seem sinister to you? Because, with all the cleansing and after-life forgiveness that happens after death...then all your humanity is stripped away. That means that all free will was was a toy that you got to play with for a while, but never get to keep.God puts you on Earth...to create your individuality...only to burn it away with the afterlife cleansing when you go back to being someone who thinks he's the BEST! Eitehr way, you start and end as a conformist drone."
Whose to say we don't have free will in heaven? We're just incapable of hurting one another and ourselves. Or maybe there is no desire too because we've learned better, and our logic and spirit finally prevail over our emotions and motivations.
I will admit that this is the best point you've made thus far.
"There! Try and top THAT! (noogie-noogie-noogie!)"
I think I just did (titty-twister!)