okay i had to make some adjustments but here ya go...
.....I think I need to go take a series of cold showers.
okay i had to make some adjustments but here ya go...
okay i had to make some adjustments but here ya go...
I'd so tap that.
Nope. The opposite in fact, although my definition of a 'better' response may well be different from other folks. I love a juicy, thick 'lee that I'm not afraid I'm going to hurt by going after their ribs and those deep sensitive muscles properly and relentlessly (the way I was taught by the strong male 'lers in my life, you know who you are 😉 ), and a more voluptuous 'lee is far better suited to my pleasures. One of my favorite ways to tickle is to sit or lie behind my 'lee and bury my lips into that ticklish neck, with my fingers lost in the abundance of the underarms/belly/that *crazy* ticklish area just under the ribs but over the hips...that feast for the senses isn't the same with a skinnier 'lee. Thinner 'lees do tend to spazz and flail around a little more in my experience, but I've learned that doesn't mean they're more sensitive, just twitchier 😀
(They also get cold too damn fast during a shoot )
Keep in mind, I think slimmer people are absolutely beautiful. I just prefer more hills and valleys and curves for tickling
If I can see bones poking out, she needs to eat a hamburger or something...stat!