Ok I followed my rule here. I saw this and wanted to reply myself about situations, but before posting something that could be misunderstood or make people upset I waited 24 hours so I could clear my head and put everything in a better frame of mind. Here it goes.
Are there cliques on the TMF. Yes. I will admit being a part of probally every one. I know the cliques, I wont name them...but I do associate freely, openly and respectfully with all of them that I know of.
Do members of same clique rally around each other when one of them is in a heated debate or "insult war". Yes. But it is the way things are. If any of us had a friend and saw them being verbally shallacked and we had the same opinions...of course we would rush to their defense.
What was sent in PM's I dont know, and honestly sending them to me would make no diffrence, Im not a MOD and I have no real power.
I have a well-recieved reputation here on the forum built from being respectful to everyone, and when that does not work...I ignore them. I have 3 people currently on such status. I read a lot of what goes on and honestly I DO SEE that there are times some members who because of connections or posting history get better treatment than other members. Even I recieve that treatment. But let me say it like this....
Some members because of a LONG history of being civil, polite and following the rules do garner a little more tolerance of certain statements and such because they are well known by the MODS and the posting public in general.
Let me try to rephrase...If you are at a club and been going there for years you are more likely to get the attention of the bartenders 1st for drinks, fellow club goers because of your noticablity and if a squabble breaks out with you and a new person involved, the bouncer or manager is more apt to believe, side or let you get away with more because they know you better or because you spend more time/money there.
Even with people you know...are you not going to give more leeway with friends you have known for 4 years than those you have known for 1 month.
I feel that I know this site and its members pretty well, and whether or not you use me as a "judge" or not is up to you. Perhaps I myself might have done something to ire someone...but its not about me. Cid, if you feel unfairly treated I would like to tell you that I personally feel Myraids DOES NOT let cliques get into his train of thought. He is not so much in ANY clique as he is more like me...familiar with everyone that are in the cliques and Myraids has no loyalty to back-up anyone and I in my years in the forum (Ive only been using this name for about 2 years, but Ive been around since the begining) I have never seen anything to lead me to believe otherwise.
Is this forum perfect. NO. Far from it. But it is certainly one of the best run boards Ive seen.
Do I have problems with things. Yes. My biggest problem is that certain threads garner more attention and action from MODS than other threads.
If it is about certain subjects and if certain members are being "insulted" MODS are more likely to come in and say something than in other threads.
This bothers me, but this is not a thread to address my issues. When the time is right and I get my ducks in a row I will handle it not in a thread, but in a PM to the appropiate channels.
My first will be to Myraids...and if it can not be resolved through him...then I will PM MTP Jeff.
Cid if you feel Myriads has not satisfied you, the next person is MTP Jeff. If you address the situation with concern and respect, Jeff will respond and treat you fairly.
If you still can not get a result that you like, then unfortunately there is nothing else that can be done. This is not a democracy around here, it is a public forum with rules and owners whom like any regular store or anything "Reserve the Right to Refuse Service".
Is it fair....no, but it is the way things are.
In short are there people here who wield "ungiven" power because of their status as a long-time member and can cross the line without action. Yes.
Are there people here because only of association can also use that power. Yes. But it is not Myraids that makes these decisons nor should he be blamed. He is only human, like the rest of us, makes judgements on what he knows and because of history.
I apologize for getting involved, but I felt perhaps I could say a few things not yet said here, and perhaps create some understanding. A lot of the newer posters that are trying to become more active I hope find this information informative and hopefully will help them to continue to post and continue to gain a history so things like this will not happen to them.
I mean think about it....250 posts, with 25 in a bad nature or insulting. To having 3800 posts with maybe 5 posts in an insulting or bad nature. Its all about posting history and time put in.
Chosen, I feel really bad that you feel that way. I was never aware that a reason you rarely post anymore was because of what you see. When I first started back on being here frequently it was diffcult at first to garner attention for threads, good comments, and develop a rapport with enough members to feel as open as I do now.
With the way you expressed yourself and your thoughtful posts, I know in no time you could eaisly be one of those that are "clique neutral" like me, never having to choose sides, because everyone knows that your a friend and confidant to all.