Bit self-indulgent to bump yer own thread, I know lol. I was in a self-indulgent kinda mood. Sue me an’ all that!
Sort of breaking my own rules here (as he wasn’t a novelist), but I tried reading some Anton Chekov short stories recently. From what I’ve gleaned, he was interested in writing stories that were more naturalistic than was common for that time. Which
sounds laudable. And maybe his work constituted an important development in blah blah whatever the fuck lol. But I cannot tell you how bored I was reading his stuff! Good Lord.
Right, that’s the genius of Chekov dealt with! lol
Revisiting this thread, I was surprised at a couple of choices - now that I have an opinion on them! lol. I think Wuthering Heights is a great novel! Each to their own and all that. There is, I think, a histrionic tone – and a knowing one at that - to those gothic-type novels which tends to be polarizing. I love it, myself lol. Whatever your problem with that novel, you have to admit, you get your money’s worth! Cruelty, despair, obsession, envy, a ghost lol – it’s all goin’ on!
Tried reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, however - couldn’t get on with it at all! Weird how two sisters could write such different books!
Was also surprised to see The Black Pearl show up – what with it being the name of the fictional ship from The Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
I read
The Pearl *insufferably smug face* lol by John Steinbeck a few months ago and quite enjoyed it. Have read some other stuff by Steinbeck – most recently The Moon Is Down – and wasn’t too keen, though.
Would love to hear some more nominations!