Happiness to me is having great friends outside the TMF and having great friends also on TMF, getting to relax and enjoy and savor and bask in a sizzling hot tub, getting to be tickled and getting to have my spine and shoulders,
my sides and tummy; especially my feet and calves, back of my knees and between my toes-my long soft smooth strong legs being lightly stroked and caressed by a fluffy big soft feather or feathers or fingertips or pulsar toothbrush or chopstick-or little make-up brush or
nails if not too long and if the ler or switch uses them
gently and who uses them is skilled-most of all gentle
and not rough-doesn't dig in with nails when tickling-but lightly traces and tickles lightly not alot of pressure-just depends-when playfully yet gently tickled-whether bound or whether not I am restrained.
Also happiness to me is receiving hugs and receiving nice relaxing sweet neck and back massages, feet and leg massages. Happiness for me-is being playfully lightly tickled all over-my feet, my legs, my sides and ribs and tummy being tickled and the back of my knees and back of my calves and my spine being tickled with either nice fluffy soft feather, warm gentle fingertips, or pulsar toothbrush and shoulders being lightly tickled a bit by these great tickle tools.
Happiness for me is being playfully tickled and being hugged, accepted, liked, and being loved. Happiness for me is being liked and loved and accepted as a person-being cherished and loved for who and what I am.
That is what happiness means for me.