Thank you Bugman...IT WAS!!
Mastertank....I could never leave, where would the common sense in the P&R come from then
😉 . Thanks dude.
Thanks Bill.....just so you know, the woman I played footstool too tonight was a democrat
Thanks KNOX! Remember when I get tp Philly sometime in Sept, the cheesesteaks are on you!
Thanks stop jumping up and down...Im getting seasick
Thank you very much brokenblue!
Well all Ive gotten home now after a great night out. Like I said to Bill I got to play literal footstool to a very attractive woman, with whom I went out with for a bite to eat with afterwards. I enjoyed every second of it...perhaps a little too much
But I wont bore you all with details, so let me just say thank you too all of you who sent their Birthday wishes my way. This being my first year away from my kids on my birthday I was a little down, but even though I dont personally know many of you it meant the same to me as if all my freinds I ever had sent me a card.
I do apprecaite it all...and hey being 34 aint so bad after all.
Im still good looking, Ive got that going for me..............
Your Friend and TMFer 4 Life.......