Hi Giggles!!..Welcome to the TMF and always delightful to see new members joining the group both female and male!..Glad to see your not a lurker anymore ,and hope you continue to Post in any of the Discussions.If you'd like to chat with another female tickler,ticklee that can spend hours on end talking about tickling,and tickling too feel free to email me at [email protected] and also I am known as tickleshotel on AOL Messenger,and Yahoo messenger..
Also all you guy ticklers,ticklees feel free to email me as well or contact me through the IM's,or TMF chatroom!.
Hi Giggles...I am also a newbie to the TMF (posting) and it is a fantastic site. It's a much better place than the Ammmm/mmmmmT. There are alot of interesting people online and this seems to be the place to be...I live on Long Island and would definitely enjoy chatting with you. Tickle buddies seem to be a rarity around here. ô¿~ [email protected]
Hi Giggles,
Welcome to the tickling community. Like you, I originally thought I was the only one who had this, "special desire". Many years later, I found out that this wasn't the case. I live on Long Island and used to hang with a female ticklee from Brooklyn. I would love to chat with you more to share thoughts, feelings and experiences about our favorite subject. Please feel free to e-mail me.
Hello and a warm welcome from this 32 yo Brooklyn tickler.
I've found New York City to not have nearly as active a tickling
community as you would expect given the size, so we're always looking
to add more. Drop a line at [email protected] if you'd like, and hope
to see you posting regularly and to catch you on-line in real time sometime soon.