Hi Gramps!
I can't remember if tonight is date night, or if tomorrow is date night? What are your plans for the weekend?
Does your cane still have super powers?
You Klingon bastard! You killed my son... You Klingon bastard! You killed my son... You Klingon bastard! You killed my son...
Kiiiiiiiiiiirk! I'm still aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!
"Okay, Bill! Baby, you have to scream it like you mean it! Apparently, you thought he was vaporized in that Genesis...just a sec (turns around and snorts some blow...huge snorting sound is barely heard...returns to Shatner with white powder on his nose)...explosion...but you now learn that you now have to deal with BOTH fucking Kruge and fucking Khan...got it?"
"Roll it..."
"Quiet on the (snooooorrrrrttt!) set!"
"Star Trek 29: The Tired Old Captain....scene 40, take 1.... CLAP!"