Yes, the Boston Marathon is held on Patriot's Day. 😀
I assume this year it won't be. Not much is going to happen the next month or so at least.
Yes, the Boston Marathon is held on Patriot's Day. 😀
Another holiday to look forward to!Passover begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. 😀
Best Upcoming Holiday Comment: "This Year April Fools is cancelled because the 'shi*' we're going through right now you couldn't even make up." (saw that on facebook)
One year (5th grade I think it was) my teacher told us we couldn't go out at lunch time to play. We were confused cause it was sunny out...and we looked forward to playing football in the school yard. And then she told us April Fools.I can agree with that.![]()
One year (5th grade I think it was) my teacher told us we couldn't go out at lunch time to play. We were confused cause it was sunny out...and we looked forward to playing football in the school yard. And then she told us April Fools.
She enjoyed it lol.It is nasty to play a trick on children. 🙁
The Best Holiday We Hope For: Corona Virus to Go Away
I will celebrate that with a fine dinner in a restaurant. 😀
That will be a celebration for sure!
The Best Kind of Holiday(s): The Ones we Randomly Invent on our Own (Happy...Sportsless Sunday!?)
Sounds like my grandfather back in 1963. I made a blog entry about that:Daily Holiday: Every day we're alive we should treat as a holiday
Sounds like my grandfather back in 1963. I made a blog entry about that:
Your Fav!Tomorrow is a dumb holiday, April Fools' Day.![]()
Here is a wonderful belated April Fools' joke:!-I-m-told-both-areas-are-equally-pretty-)