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Hooker Feet Escapes Cops

The Internet is writhing with sick fucks, so messed in the head that they are actually difficult to ridicule, simply because their degeneracy outweighs any witty banter or sarcasm we could muster up.:sowrong:
speak for yourself. the rest of us ain't a bunch of shrivelled dicked wussies

ok ? lol strong E Thug
the rest of us ain't a bunch of shrivelled dicked wussies 😀

yo yo yo dis is da real cybanigga fo sho.

Rawful. You're a moron and you obviously have desperately low standards.

Anyway how did you get the slut into your place without waking up your mom?
yo yo yo dis is da real cybanigga fo sho.

Rawful. You're a moron and you obviously have desperately low standards.

Anyway how did you get the slut into your place without waking up your mom?
Yeah and the women you post yourself with are much better, LOL

BTW, NE1 got an ebonics translator? I just love your level of intelligence. Surprised your not into the trash whore scene yourself considering your poor educational upbringing

oh well, i guess you're a viper or something... ooooohhh so scary mysterious and cool, LOL I wish I was u 😀

Yeah and the women you post yourself with are much better, LOL

BTW, NE1 got an ebonics translator? I just love your level of intelligence. Surprised your not into the trash whore scene yourself considering your educational upbringing

oh well, i guess you're a viper or something... ooooohhh so scary mysterious and cool, LOL I wish I was u 😀


apparently you didnt understand that he was responding to the comment i made about you being an E Thug
I can only forgive his unintelligent opinions because he knows not of whom he speaks.

Eh, another troll to put on the ignore list.
You know, any one of us could probably walk outside and bump into someone who would judge us to be sick, deviant bastards for getting our jollies by tying up and tickling women. (Guilty as charged! 😛 ) we could all find someone today who would think that kissing any foot, no matter how clean, is a disgusting and lowly act. So what's up with the "Jerry Springer audience of condemnation" act here, regarding someones preferences, on a sexual fetish forum website? If its not hurting anybody or against the law, what's it to you? Just bounce to another thread that better suits your preferences.....

I don't get it....what this guy likes doesn't appeal to me, but so what? What I like doesn't appeal to someone else here..who cares?..why all the drama?
what this guy likes doesn't appeal to me, but so what? What I like doesn't appeal to someone else here..who cares?..why all the drama?
exactly, it's just a handful of abrasive attention whores who want the world to know what they disapprove of (while an even smaller subset feels as though the world should know who they are, LOL) what a joke :blaugh:
Please post the follow up video...

...The one where your mommy walks down to the basement and catches you down there doing that mess, and tosses you both into the street!

What do you do for a living, if I may ask?
I expose cyber toughguys for who they really are. For example, your persistent napolean complex 😉



In a 64 bit world you're a 2 bit user,
You even have your own website, AltTotalLoser!
I don't get it....what this guy likes doesn't appeal to me, but so what? What I like doesn't appeal to someone else here..who cares?..why all the drama?

It's not what he does per se, even though I do find it very distasteful. It's his attitude about it. You know, his creepiness gimmick, his lack of respect for his models (and vice versa), his delusion of being better than other people just because he licks the feet of a bunch of girl he picks up pretty much anywhere, his constant, puerile references to his own bodily functions, the fact that his comments sound like he's barely beyond puberty, etc. It's hard enough to be accepted by the masses without this guy doing everything he can to give us all a bad name.

It's bad enough that he happily flaunts his creepiness on the MousePad. Well, at least that forum is specifically about feet. But now he's polluting the tickling forums, and in my opinion that's like a big nasty stain on our beloved hideouts. I realize his posts and behavior aren't bannable offenses. But goddammit! I sure wish he'd leave us alone, making the TMF a more inviting place. Really, I'm just plain disgusted to see him post here.
Really, I'm just plain disgusted to see him post here.
And we're even more disgusted to see you post here Fran(Shaw of Canada). ...You and your high-brow hypocritical finger-pointing morals which supposedly shed light to the rest of us fetishists on what and how we are supposed to enjoy.

Pervs like me might be looked down upon, but at least we're honest. It's the self proclaimed sophisticated types like you who lie, twist, and decieve to try and convince others of your weak self-centered arrogant values. You're hardly different from George Bush or Adolf Hitler.

Anyway, feel free to promote your agenda of intolerance under that weak guise of valor you just created.

Thankfully, most of us here can detect genuine honesty :santasmil

And here's somethin to give you that good name you speak so highly of Mr. "I'm-more-normal-than-the-rest-of-you":
(& those happy sounds at the end probably evoke loads of repeated sperm for you, no doubt :tickle:)

"Oh, your so angelic mister FranShaw"... "oooohhhh ahhhhhh"
his lack of respect for his models (and vice versa)
By the way, tell some of your foot models I have a very talented tongue for their soles if they'd like to be in for the tickling of their lives 😀

I'll do their feet some real justice, Hee Hee :grouphug:
And we're even more disgusted to see you post here Fran(Shaw of Canada). ...You and your high-brow hypocritical finger-pointing morals which supposedly shed light to the rest of us fetishists on what and how we are supposed to enjoy.

Pervs like me might be looked down upon, but at least we're honest. It's the self proclaimed sophisticated types like you who lie, twist, and decieve to try and convince others of your weak self-centered arrogant values. You're hardly different from George Bush or Adolf Hitler.

Anyway, feel free to promote your agenda of intolerance under that weak guise of valor you just created.

Thankfully, most of us here can detect genuine honesty :santasmil

And here's somethin to give you that good name you speak so highly of Mr. "I'm-more-normal-than-the-rest-of-you":
(& those happy sounds at the end probably evoke loads of repeated sperm for you, no doubt :tickle:)

"Oh, your so angelic mister FranShaw"... "oooohhhh ahhhhhh"

Wow. Struck a nerve, there, didn't I?

And we're even more disgusted to see you post here Fran(Shaw of Canada).

I bet. People here on the TMF really despise me. And so they should. God knows I give them plenty of reason.

When you say "we're most disgusted", who, may I ask, is "we"? Are you simply referring to yourself in the plural form or are you you claiming to be speaking for other people? Also, what was the point of mentioning the country I live in? Was it relevant in any way?

I really liked the comparison with Bush and Hitler. It sure lends credibility to your accusation.

I don't think I'm trying to tell people what they're supposed to enjoy. I probably wouldn't be here if I were that judgemental. I mean, let's face it, I sell fetish videos. As I said in my previous message, it's not so much the content of your clips per se as your attitude and image that bother me. The "perv" aspect of your clips I can deal with. Hell, some might very well argue that I'm kind of a perv myself. It's how you actively advertise your work and yourself as creepy. I really do hope you understand that.

Oh, and please be so kind as to let me know how I lie, twist, and deceive. No one's perfect, most definitely not myself, and I'd really like to know what I did wrong so I can make amends and better myself.

those happy sounds at the end probably evoke loads of repeated sperm for you, no doubt

I wouldn't know, I didn't see the clip.

On a side note, more positive this time, I'm really glad you mentioned Bush in such an unflattering way. For all our differences, I have to agree with you that he's a horrible man who's caused a lot of harm to the world as a whole, even though he probably doesn't realize it (to be fair, though, comparing him to Hitler would be a bit of a stretch). I may have somewhat misjudged your personal values. I might disagree with you on some issues, but fetishes don't define who we are, and we may very well have common ground on many other issues, who knows?
(to be fair, though, comparing him to Hitler would be a bit of a stretch).
In case ya missed it, i was actually comparing your slanted views to hitler, not George Bush's views to Hitler. They are two sets of behaviors and you managed to be comparable to both (by how you seem to want your preferences as everyone's breakfast).

I may have somewhat misjudged your personal values. I might disagree with you on some issues, but fetishes don't define who we are, and we may very well have common ground on many other issues, who knows?
you're right about the 1st part and that's about the only place i can credit you right now. as far as bush, i actually voted for him, not that it's supposed to mean anything. BTW, I'm not really lookin to buddy up with anyone for the purpose of bashing world leaders. I'm not an overly opinionated person to where I have to publicly lash out, any chance I get, at things which I might not agree with.

I wouldn't know, I didn't see the clip.
you'd probably like it; it totally suits you.

When you say "we're most disgusted", who, may I ask, is "we"? Are you simply referring to yourself in the plural form or are you you claiming to be speaking for other people?
um, the latter

I really liked the comparison with Bush and Hitler. It sure lends credibility to your accusation.
i correct myself from earlier, I can credit you twice on your assertions 🙂

I don't think I'm trying to tell people what they're supposed to enjoy. I probably wouldn't be here if I were that judgemental.
wow, talk about irony, LOL! now if i were to intrude into one of your threads and state all kinds of irrational off-topic logic as to why females tickling or kissing the feet of other females was distasteful and disrespectful and polluting the tickling forums, I supposed that wouldn't be considered trying to sway anyone's views either? LOL, you really know how to play this innocent ignorance game very well Mr Pat Robertson.

...your attitude and image that bother me. The "perv" aspect of your clips I can deal with.
...It's how you actively advertise your work and yourself as creepy.
hmmm, creepy and pervy are so different i guess the nerve might've been struck in you. I'm sorry for acting creepy while also being pervy. I suppose I could try to tone down one of those whichever one seems okay. Maybe you should create a thread where we can dig into the technical discussion of the english language. And by the way that is no dig at Canada. I guess it slipped ya, speaking of dictators, supremacy attitudes and all that... "Shaw of Iran" ie. "Shaw of Canada" ... FranShaw, Francois... hitler, etc... forcing beliefs... etc. hopefully that explains it enough but I'm done with the off topic discussion.

If you want to dissect the subtle technicalities of why you feel it is okay for me to be pervy but not okay for me to be creepy, then please create a separate thread for it where it might be relevant to the topic. We really don't want to see your negativity posted here and yes, I speak for all of us at TMF when I say that.
In case ya missed it, i was actually comparing your slanted views to hitler, not George Bush's views to Hitler. They are two sets of behaviors and you managed to be comparable to both (by how you seem to want your preferences as everyone's breakfast).

No, actually, it's you who didn't get my meaning, but to be fair I think it's my fault, as I didn't make my meaning very clear. I only added that little side note because I felt that even though they were both used as very negative examples, they're not in the same ball park. I guess I didn't want to be accused of being so blind in my opinions of Bush that I actually feel he can compare to Hitler's evil.

I'm not an overly opinionated person to where I have to publicly lash out, any chance I get, at things which I might not agree with.

You could have fooled me, considering how hard you try to crush each and every opinion posted by people who disagree with you in this thread.

you'd probably like it; it totally suits you.

Perhaps, but we'll never know.

wow, talk about irony, LOL! now if i were to intrude into one of your threads and state all kinds of irrational off-topic logic as to why females tickling or kissing the feet of other females was distasteful and disrespectful and polluting the tickling forums, I supposed that wouldn't be considered trying to sway anyone's views either?

Alright, when did I say that clips of someone licking/kissing women's feet is distasteful and disrespectful? No, really, tell me when, I'd like to know. I mean, really, are you missing the point of my argument on purpose?

If you want to dissect the subtle technicalities of why you feel it is okay for me to be pervy but not okay for me to be creepy, then please create a separate thread for it where it might be relevant to the topic. We really don't want to see your negativity posted here and yes, I speak for all of us at TMF when I say that.

Nah, I'm good. I've said my piece, you've said yours, and I'm satisfied with the results. If you can't see how "pervy" and "creepy" can be very different things (and the former not really a bad thing depending on the context), that's not my problem.

Oh, that's right, the TMF has an "ignore" option. You know what, I think I'll use it, 'cause I'm really not interested in the rest of this pointless debate or anything else you have to say. I guess this means you've won, then. Oh well, enjoy your victory.
Perhaps, but we'll never know.
correction, you'll never know.

and please put the ignore button to good use as it will serve us both well. and subsequently, I won't bother addressing your other points due to redundancy.

that action will demonstrate how I'm so opinionated that i have to destroy each and every negative opinion that a few people post about me. hmmm, guess i killed that point of yours too franshwah 😉 -L8r d00d
"This message is hidden because tyler_d is on your ignore list."

Ah, that's sweet. But I guess I also need to unsubscribe from this thread to be able to ignore it completely.

Sorry, I just felt like being a bit childish.
^ don't worry franshaw, we know you took a peep.

you should probably rename your clipstore to "the last word" LOL

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