I don't think I've ever really been aware of public tickles being "public". I'd just always thought of them as tickles occuring wherever I happened to be. For me tickles tend to generally be synonymous with hugs, pecks, etc..typical displays of affection. Of course I'm not likely to stick my tongue into an armpit in line at Macy's just like I'm not likely to stick my tongue down a throat in line at Macy's.... not LIKELY.. (you can dare me, double dare me... but I'll be damned if I'm triple dog dared! LOL) Then again, I tend to be spontaneous and have little shame, so if one were asking for it with particularly bratty, yet adorable behavior, they could find themselves tickled by, under and through the clearance rack. I'd just tell security I was performing the Heimlich ...dammit, they're making the chips in those Mrs Field's bigger and bigger all the time!