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how do you get over an ex-girlfriend of 5years

Every vagina in the room?

I hope you don't comeback with a - "How'd I get this STD?" thread. :banghead:
Hey thanks you guys again but this chick don't know when to quit or doesn't relize WHEN she won so I went to her job yesterday to discuss matters about my son cause she hasn't answered my calls or anything so I get there and I go up to her and tell her when can I see my son she says sunday, or monday, and I said fine so I go home crawl into bed again because just seeing her made me feel even worst so about six hours later she calls me and tells what happen what did I want and i told her why are you playing these games and
I tell her how bad I been she starts laughing and she's telling me that she's glad to findout how horrible i been and its been good to be without me and I pretty sure shes found some one already she did n't wanna answer the question when I ask her so after like 6min later she tells me she'll call me back and I feel so much worst I literally feel like pucnhing the crap outta her and my gut feels like its caving in ,I feel cold sweat,and i'm holding back my tears with every ounce of my strenght.
I treated her so good she was the only person that can tell me what to do ,I never cheated, I did her family so many favors ,helped out so much only to have my soul tortured, and my conscience raped but tonite is my friends b-day bash so my goal for tonite it to conquer every girl in that room or party whatever but I must forget her by ANY MEANS necessary i know now that true love doesnt exist .

Seems to me she's being a bit of a nasty ****, so fuck her. Focus on getting over her, and caring about your son the best you can. There are people in this world whose opinions you shouldn't really care about, and this ex seems to be one of them. Just try not to let it wreck you anymore then possible. I hope the party went well.
What ment to say was get with some one else tonite to try and forget her, earlier in the thread people were saying just get a piece to forget her well I said fine Ill conquer every vagina in that room or party whatever but I didn't refer women as bitches, skanks, or pussy ,or any other slurs but tonites is my friends b-day bash its going to be huge I know that for a fact my plan is to have an awesome time regardless if I get with a girl or not but the plan is to erase her from my memoriesas much as I can, I didnt say its gonna happen all in one lump sum but hopefully sparks connect with another to at least ease my pain yes there will be alcohol involed but witch party doesn't and as for purple style I treat others as they treated me so hopefully you can put two and two together but to keep debating against you would be degrading from wow your quotes I can see what kind of classy lady your are I can't imagine how happy your mate is from the looks of it can't be to well I mean you got nothing good to say and your in here more than usual I could only wish you the best of luck and hopefully your problems are fixed also
Leo thanks for you advice its been working and those songs from linkin park were awsome.
Kis123 thanks for seeing from my point and thanks for understanding me .
Kis123 thanks for seeing from my point and thanks for understanding me .


Go do "you" for awhile and don't worry about what she does just as long as you're allowed to see your kid. If she doesn't do it on her own, take her arse to court and make her do it. Don't let her get away with taking your child from you.

And have a lot of fun at the party; you're a good-looking man and I'm sure you'll find someone who'll gladly spend time with you.
Dude... the love thing residue, its totally brain chemical, familiar neuron pathways.

Time is the antidote.

This too, shall pass.
I can't say his colorful use of the English language was the smartest thing to say, but really....is there a need to attack or kick a man when he's down?

I got a chuckle out of it, so yes. I would expect no less from the people here if I decided to turn emo and cry about my problems.
I got a chuckle out of it, so yes. I would expect no less from the people here if I decided to turn emo and cry about my problems.

It's very sad that your experience with people has taught you this is acceptable behavior.
Thanks you guys but it's harder than any tipickle relationship me and her have a son together and she was the first person I ever loved this way. I havn't heard from her since we broke up or my son and I'm trying to advoid drama as much as possible I wish a piece of ass was easy to come by but I just been drinking, and smoking, some times it works but other times it brings back those memories but I hope this time thing does its job soon .
Its been alot harder to get outta bed theirs times I just want to be surrounded by darkness and I just wanna be isolated from every thing cause everything reminds me of her for dumbest reasons.
never will I let this disease posion my mind and cripple my heart again. If qupid was real I would so kick his ass.

Hello my friend.
Does it feel like you were just in a boxing ring, and you got to round 12? Did you fight so hard through it all, but finally you got KO'd when the hardest punch of all time hit you square in the face?

I have so much respect for you for getting in the ring, and fighting for your family. That's really brave. You are in pain, bruised, battered and beat up at the moment. Now allow yourself the time you need to heal.

Five years is a significant amount of time. Those scars that will develop from the ring fighting for your woman are part of you now. Treat yourself well. Don't punish yourself. I believe you will get through this. You need to take care of yourself so you can be there for your son.
Hello my friend.
Does it feel like you were just in a boxing ring, and you got to round 12? Did you fight so hard through it all, but finally you got KO'd when the hardest punch of all time hit you square in the face?

I have so much respect for you for getting in the ring, and fighting for your family. That's really brave. You are in pain, bruised, battered and beat up at the moment. Now allow yourself the time you need to heal.

Five years is a significant amount of time. Those scars that will develop from the ring fighting for your woman are part of you now. Treat yourself well. Don't punish yourself. I believe you will get through this. You need to take care of yourself so you can be there for your son.

How true this is: The duel of sex. Great post, Helena!
THANKS you guys again I just got woke up with a headache from my friends b-day bash it was awsome im glad I was there for him and there was no connection with no one but I still had a great time with my buddys and my mind was free from the chains of sorrow, and despair, and my ex, speaking of her she is confusing the crap outta of me she just called me not to long ago just to see what I was doing and she told me she loved me and I didn't say it back I dont know if its cause of anger or maybe I dont have in me anymore ??????
thanks helena and cosmo.
THANKS you guys again I just got woke up with a headache from my friends b-day bash it was awsome im glad I was there for him and there was no connection with no one but I still had a great time with my buddys and my mind was free from the chains of sorrow, and despair, and my ex, speaking of her she is confusing the crap outta of me she just called me not to long ago just to see what I was doing and she told me she loved me and I didn't say it back I dont know if its cause of anger or maybe I dont have in me anymore ??????
thanks helena and cosmo.

Good to hear!
Shane, she's fucking with you. Intentional or not, you have to take it as "she's fucking with me". You move forward and leave her behind like she's done to you. She shook the foundation of the relationship when the split happened. She's going to have to do more than say pretty words to show that she does love you, if she indeed does.

Talk to her, but don't expect miracles. Make your own, with or without her.

And PurpleStyle, whatever gave you the attitude you have now probably caused a few emo moments. You're in the anger phase. *pats*
I got a chuckle out of it, so yes. I would expect no less from the people here if I decided to turn emo and cry about my problems.

It is so unfortunate that you expect so little of the people around here.....:sowrong:

I've been a member here long enough to know that sometimes we're all a member has. Emo or not, I'd rather a person discuss something so devastatingly personal here than to think no one gives a damn and they do something far worse to themself or someone else.

I haven't done it, but would like to believe that if I should discuss a personal matter here that I'd be respected and treated with empathy and compassion. Those who don't think they can manage such I'd hope would just stay the hell out of the thread.
Shane, she's fucking with you. Intentional or not, you have to take it as "she's fucking with me". You move forward and leave her behind like she's done to you. She shook the foundation of the relationship when the split happened. She's going to have to do more than say pretty words to show that she does love you, if she indeed does.

Talk to her, but don't expect miracles. Make your own, with or without her.

Oh yeah......and this^

Personally I'd avoid her like the plague right now; you might be getting set up for some high powered drama. Some people play with other's hearts like a toy; once they get bored they dump you again. Do you really want to go through all that only to be dumped again? Give it time; if she really wants to get back with you, she'll wait for you to figure out what you want to do.
Every vagina in the room?

I hope you don't comeback with a - "How'd I get this STD?" thread. :banghead:

^ what they said...

and y'know kinda have to agree, maybe changing the way you talk about/to women may just go a long way in aiding getting over the ex by being able to get another gf.. just sayin'
"Oh to be young, and to feel love's keen sting"
Just checking up to see how things are, shane.

One thing about any relationship, is that it's hard to get any perspective when you're in the middle of it...as it is with any life situation. You may be madly in love with her....and she's obviously not with you. (and obviously also, we don't have her side of the argument, but as with most issues here, we only have the members side, including my own posts. But I've seen what you're describing many, many times, sadly)
One person really in love...the other, not so much.

You may think your girl's human perfection...but when you ask your friends, or family, they're like "ehhh, she's okay," or "ehh, she ain't all that!" or worse, "Shane, we need to talk. You're girlfriend's a manipulative bitch." I've see a few friends I know who were in relationships, go on and on about their perfect partner, and everyone around them was like "that's a horrible relationship! he, or she, sucks! Why can't you see it?!!"

Take manipulation - unless you're damn cynical, rational and logical, most of us would not catch it, especially since most manipulative people are DAMN good at being manipulative. I've been burnt more times than I can count, and I've watched others be burnt as well. The girl will hurt the guy, then come back and say how much she loves him....while still seeing another guy. Hell, I've had multiple co-workers fiegn illness, sick relatives, even a heart attack once! ....to get off work early! The heart attack was the funniest one, I wsh I had had a camera back then. I had one co-worker, who was a bitch, go to about 5 grandparent's funerals, and 10 or 11 uncles and aunts...in a few years period. I was amazed she wasn't crying 24 hours a day at that rate, ...I mean, hell, they didn't even faze her! I guess the parties that followed after each one made up for the sadness.......(yes, that's sarcasm, for those easily manipulated, the "funeral's" were parties....)

And have you taken kis's advice on getting visitation rights with your kid? In court, you're both on equal grounds.
How can I get over my ex-girlfriend of five years I cant sleep, I cant eat, I feel broken, and my body aches as if i were a heroin addict my mind keeps flooding with thoughts of me and her together and the good times we shared I promised myself I wouldn't fall for a girl again and here I 'am now asking for advice I can't believe I let my emotions get to me what good is love if it doesn't last to long and at the end we endure lots of pain I wish
I was numb .

If you have any suggestions of how to getting an ex-girlfriend I would most definitly like to hear them

As morbid as this may sound, you don't really get over it. Time makes it easier to deal with and gives helps you build up strength to move on in life, but a scar will always be there to remind you. I'm sure it's been said already, but just take it one day at a time. It'll get easier, if you let it. Take care of yourself man.
You order 15 pizzas to her address over a pay phone so they can't trace it back to your home. She'll be so mad at you that you'll know there's no hope of getting back with her, then you'll be able to move on.
1 Bourbon
<img src="http://www.retro-signs-n-more.net/images/_products/retrosigns/XL1545.jpg">

1 Scotch
<img src="http://www.licoresjaco.com/images/ChivasRegal_ScotchWhisky%2012.jpg">

1 Beer
<img src="http://blog.khymos.org/wp-content/2007/02/mex_beer.jpg">


...and if that doesn't work, mix in some of this:

<img src="http://www.tequila.net/images/stories/jreviews/123_patron_bottles_1169924532.jpg">

Though I prefer this brand:

<img src="http://images.businessweek.com/ss/07/04/0403_tequila/image/pp2.jpg">

Good luck to you, man
You never truly get over your ex girlfriend. Even if you're dating someone else, the feelings for the ex go away, but they are still very much in your subconscious mind. Notice that when you break up with the girl you're currently with you'll begin to think about the ex from before again. It happens. You could be married with kids and bump into your ex gf ten years down the road and you'll still not be able to just look at her like an old acquaintance. You shared a bond with her for a certain amount of time and that doesn't just disappear from your mind. You just have to accept that things didn't work out and look forward to new relationships beginning.
First, let me say I'm sorry for your breakup. It sounds like its really takening a serious toll on you. I was in a serious long term relationship (6 yrs) and honestly I think depending on the circumstances whether you broke it off or they broke it off the healing process can vary. In my case I broke it off so it didn't take me much time to get over it. However there was a time an ex boyfriend of mine (who I really liked) broke up with me after 3 months and my heart was beyond crushed. So like I said it varies. All I can suggest is that you give yourself time to get through this process, but don't allow it to overtake you. Try hanging out with friends and family to keep your mind off things, maybe pick up a few hobbies. You just have to keep your head up and move forward it would be the best thing for your mind, body and soul. Much luck to you Shane!
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