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How many of us are out there?


Registered User
Dec 11, 2002
Some time ago, I broke up with my girlfriend of some years. She's the only person on Earth who knows that I love to tickle, and she was always okay with it. I even turned her into something of a tickler herself.

So, now that we're not seeing each other anymore, I have to wonder what the odds are of me ever finding someone like that again. Which leads me to ask: what do you guys think is the ratio of ticklers/tickle-compatible folks to non-ticklers in the world? One in ten? One in twenty? One in a million?

I hope you guys have some optimistic estimates for me...I'm already thinking of begging her to take me back because she knows my myriad faults and is still okay with them. If it turns out she's also a rarity as a tickle-friendly woman, then I've DEFINITELY got to get her back.
If I was young and single I'd go to all the tickle gatherings there were in an effort to meet all the young, single lady tickle-enthusiasts in the world.

Since I'm old and married I'll give one of you other dudes a chance. 😉
Quite a few I imagine.
Your just gonna drive yourself crazy worrying about possible statistics. The world is NOT digital in design, it's analog buddy. Deal with it.
Like attracts like. Besides, you even spoke of converting your girlfriend, what's to say it can't happen again?
I'm hip, the uncertainty can be unnearving, but hey, it's all out there. Possabilaties reamian constant. All things are possible, and generally are.
always pray man. i mean who knows it is always Possible out there to find a sweet girl thats into Tickling like you are. it Does happen. so never say never because it Does. just give it a chance and go out and meet ladys and just see what comes in hand. Their is love out thier for everyone and there are also people out there like Love Tickling just like you and all of us here do. Maybe some of them don't love it towards like a fetish stand point but the ladys and guy's that love Tickling already and don't mind it can always be coverting into thinking about Tickling as a fetish at some point insted of just thinking of it as fun and playful to do every so often or day or night.

so Good luck in your search collegetickler and when i mean search i mean go out and meeting single Ladys. and trust me you'll find another lovely single lady that loves Tickling and enjoys it🙂

Good Luck once again. thier plenty and plenty of Fish out there in the sea for all of US
good luck to you in your quest!
My advice:
Imagine that you have found the perfecr girl who loves you tickling her and vice versa.
Visualise this over and over again.............it WILL then happen.....sounds crazy?....i know it does.....but it WORKS!
I don't think it's going to be any type of problem for you to find another girl who at least enjoys tickling as a fun and flirty kinda thing. Finding a girl who sees tickling as a sexual fetish could be a little more difficult. Never lose hope though! My boyfriend hardly even knew how to actually tickle and have it TICKLE when I met him. But apparently there was a tickle enthusiast in there somewhere cuz now I can't get him to stop! LOL

But anyway, don't lose hope. Tickling is fun for most people so even if you don't find someone interested in the sites and the gatherings and the stories and the clips, chances are she at least enjoys tickling and being tickled herself when she's in the mood for it 🙂
All you can really do is not give up..I mean if you want someone who is REALLY into tickling then your chances are a lil slimer unless you go to a gathering or meet someone off web sites like these, but then your taking a chance at only having tickling in common and that cant always work in a relationship, so just look for a girl you are interested in and then intertwine your interest in tickling into the relationship and the worst that can happen is they dont want to let it in, so you either deal with that or you keep trying...best of luck to you, its not easy...i got lucky i turned my fiancee into a tickler but he was very open minded and very accepting
The real question you have to ask yourself is...
Why did you break up with her if you were together so long??
Was it because of a NON-tickling issue? or
Because you wanted to "Strike-out" on your own and see if there were other lady ticklers and ticklee's out there?

I can tell you that yes there are people out there that love like or accept tickling...however I would say that those people are few and far between.

Also one other thing, although you may be searching for someone and they happen to love/like/accept your tickling but you have nothing else in common then you will simply end up in the same boat you are in now...looking for someone else...
Geez... I think asking how many grains of sand are on Waikiki beach might be an easier question to answer! :- ) In any event, I haven't the foggiest I'm afraid. It boggles my mind when I think about how many ticklelovers are STILL out there, thinking they are weird or alone or simply special (we're all that last one I dare say).

How many don't bother with computers much or at all? How many have never typed the magic word into the Google search engine? How many have never wandered into an adult store and been stopped in their tracks by the words "TICKLING" on a video box? How many are so ensconced in the fear of being "found out" that they never allow their mind to entertain the thought they aren't the only one? How many of us have friends or know someone who always seems to be tickling someone else? Or gets tickled by everyone and never gives any hint they don't enjoy it? And THEN, since the tickle gene (lee or ler) can many times lay dormant for *gasp* YEARS sometimes.... WHO KNOWS! It's mind boggling I tell ya!

I do tend to agree with the notion of there being a WHOLE LOT more folks out there who don't mind it for a couple seconds/think it's cute/fun/etc, than there are who actually crave it.... almost like Nicotine. Shall we call it Nicotickle? It's as least as addictive. Whoa... I just said it out loud. Doesn't sound very PC if you don't enunciate!! Not that I'd be offended by it... MOI? Nicoplease!

Sorry, to digress, back to the topic, I must say I believe going to a gathering really only marginally increases your chances of meeting a romantically compatible person who's into tickling. That's just me though, I could be wrong. (Hopefully!!) lol
I totally agree w/ you, terorizer, there are tons of i out there, i believe, who have not found this place on the web. There has to be, as far as I see it. Sometimes I find my self daydreaming while sitting in traffic, then snap out of it and look around, wondering if anyone else sitting there w/ me is doing the same thing. But even if there isn't, there ARE others out there, and im sure if you keep looking long enough, you'll find one w/ at least SOME interest for tickling- good luck!!

~clair 😉
How many don't bother with computers much or at all? How many have never typed the magic word into the Google search engine?

I agree,when I learned there was an entire community of us out there it was mind blowing for me,before I used the internet I basically figured I was the only one of my kind.

collegetickler:When I met my girlfriend she just sort of went along with it at first because she knew I liked it,now I've managed to actually convert her.Don't give up hope!
Maybe we should start advertising in the Yellow Pages? The yet-unenlightened must realize what they're missing out on!

You sir are brilliant...


tklr5150 said:
Maybe we should start advertising in the Yellow Pages? The yet-unenlightened must realize what they're missing out on!
tklr5150 said:
Maybe we should start advertising in the Yellow Pages? The yet-unenlightened must realize what they're missing out on!

Let their fingers do the walking? *Giggles* Works for me!
Wow, what a response! If nothing else, I guess I can at least take heart in the fact that you guys are all so optimistic!
collegetickler said:
what do you guys think is the ratio of ticklers/tickle-compatible folks to non-ticklers in the world? One in ten? One in twenty? One in a million?
I don't know of any studies done about this with large sample sizes or anything resembling actual scientific method. If this helps any, here's a breakdown of the girls I've run into over the past 8 years (which is about as long as I've been aware of my tickling fetish) in general meatspace (not tickling gatherings, sex parties, internet fora, etc), who have revealed their disposition to tickling one way or another:
1 - an actual tickling enthusiast
2 - like tickling and being tickled, but not seriously
1 - when someone tested whether her feet were ticklish, she said, "yes, my feet work". Make of it what you will. She was an engineer.
1 - ticklish, seems totally neutral to being tickled (I didn't think that was possible until I met her)
2 - get tickled a lot and tickle back, don't seem to complain, but don't initiate tickle fights either
1 - likes tickling others as much as an average person, but not being tickled (but puts up with some of that occasionally for some reason)
3 - genuinely fears being tickled
1 - hates being tickled, but let her SO get away with it once in a while
1 - hates all tickling and even observing prolonged tickling between third parties (has been tickle-tortured as a child by an adult relative)

I hope you guys have some optimistic estimates for me...I'm already thinking of begging her to take me back because she knows my myriad faults and is still okay with them. If it turns out she's also a rarity as a tickle-friendly woman, then I've DEFINITELY got to get her back.
As tommytikl has pointed out, the reasons you broke up with her in the first place might still be there.
chrisheaven said:
good luck to you in your quest!
My advice:
Imagine that you have found the perfecr girl who loves you tickling her and vice versa.
Visualise this over and over again.............it WILL then happen.....sounds crazy?....i know it does.....but it WORKS!

that's called self-fulfilling prophesy. and you're right, it works!
I got to say that finding a girl who is into tickling is not a hard thing to find.I myself have had a great deal of luck finding a gal pal or two to tickle and be tickled by ,and in my case you might think it would be harder to do so since i happen to be gay,but i know that there are thousands of us out there and some of them are afraid to say it because of what others might think of them ,like "Are you nuts, that's not right" or "You are a sicko".I used to be the same way ,i used to be afraid to let my fondness for tickling be known ,but, i found out that i'm (and you) are never alone,and as the old saying goes "Seek and you shall find".I did and it worked for me, and believe me it wil work for you,just don't give up,it may take some time,have faith and believe and it will come to you probably when you least expect it. So keep on looking ,we're out there and you'll be o.k.

good luck
Bambi 😀 😀 😀
I find this interesting...

I've never been with a girl unless you count the 19 year old stripper across the street who I made out with on a drunken dare from her boyfriend a couple years ago (but that's a story for another day LOL 😀 )

I should think that girls being more sensual than sexual (like many men) this would be much easier with?


Bambi_f/f said:
I got to say that finding a girl who is into tickling is not a hard thing to find.I myself have had a great deal of luck finding a gal pal or two to tickle and be tickled by ,and in my case you might think it would be harder to do so since i happen to be gay,but i know that there are thousands of us out there and some of them are afraid to say it because of what others might think of them ,like "Are you nuts, that's not right" or "You are a sicko".I used to be the same way ,i used to be afraid to let my fondness for tickling be known ,but, i found out that i'm (and you) are never alone,and as the old saying goes "Seek and you shall find".I did and it worked for me, and believe me it wil work for you,just don't give up,it may take some time,have faith and believe and it will come to you probably when you least expect it. So keep on looking ,we're out there and you'll be o.k.

good luck
Bambi 😀 😀 😀
We don't want to hijack this thread, Steph, but could you please start a new thread in which you tell the story of you and the 19-year-old stripper? 😀 :devil:
In this section if it involved tickling, in General Discussion if it didn't, of course.
Naughty Mil!

No I won't but give me a few and I'll PM ya w/details, it's actually more humorous than hot but I'm not a guy....

Hang tight!

good question

I think that more people are into tickling than we will ever know. Many are embarassed to admit that they like it... I know I was for a long time. My experience has been about 1 out of every 2 guys I hang out with are into tickling me and get a kick out of hearing me scream and laugh out loud.
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