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How many of your friends know about your fascination with tickling?


I have told two of my ex girlfriends about it. One said "Wow thats cool!" Then never spoke of it again or tickled me ever. The other reacted the same way, but she was a little shy about anything to do with physicalness. What a fricking bummer to tell someone about something so important to you and have like no reaction whatso ever!
My immediate family knows. I decided to tell them, since I was tired of feeling like I was hiding some dreadful secret. They all felt that it was very clean, and rather nice. I even showed my sister my image collection. She rather liked it.

I have a good family. :)
Re: bummer

yjgfn said:
I have told two of my ex girlfriends about it. One said "Wow thats cool!" Then never spoke of it again or tickled me ever. The other reacted the same way, but she was a little shy about anything to do with physicalness. What a fricking bummer to tell someone about something so important to you and have like no reaction whatso ever!

I got the same thing from a friend I told (the one that was going to come to the upcoming tickling). She's been banned from coming to said tickling b/c of the nudity that's being required. She ain't seein me nekkid again!

Anyway, she reacted much the same way. She just thought it a bit eccentric but nothing more. She DID attack me and tickle me though... But only for a few seconds. She just kinda thought it odd, but not weird. She even sees nothing wrong with me submitting to a tickling - hell, she wanted to go.

Don't take it too personally when people don't really react to it. Many of them just kinda think it eccentric but nothing more.
I don't even know how many friends know. I'm one of those that neither goes out of my way to tell or hide. I KNOW some family members and roomies know by virtue of discovering certain goodies I've had over the years. *shrug* And I can recall telling 2 or 3 friends, but it's always come about as part of casual conversation. In general though, the thought of trying to explain the "what and whys" of it to people who'll never get it, makes me very tired.
I went to NESt in May and still didn't have the courage to say it. P.S. Max, whatever pain that your ex-wife caused has blossomed into something fine for many others.
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