I've noticed the environment here seems very intolerant / judgmental. All feet people are seen as 'weird' or 'bad' based on the actions of a few. You're not a real man if you get a pedicure. Some people get really shocked if someone posts a nudie pic. "Creepy" gets thrown around at the drop of a hat, etc etc. And that's just what I can think of based on things I've read in the last few days. Ha. I admit, I'm probably at fault here too as I tend to get a little carried away with my opinion at times and word things a lot more harshly than I mean to. I just was wondering this as I browsed through TMF vs Fetlife. I feel like Fetlife, people express themselves a bit more politely. The attitude seems to be "It's not for me, but more power to you" when a person comes across something they're not into. (Provided that the 'thing they're not into' is something that doesn't seriously injure anyone / involves consenting adults / does not include touching strangers lol. )
My intentions with this thread are good and I'm really hoping it doesn't devolve into a shitstorm, though I can't control if it does.
My intentions with this thread are good and I'm really hoping it doesn't devolve into a shitstorm, though I can't control if it does.