I can't draw... but if you don't mind Koikatsu work, then made something based off this tickle scene. If you want I can DM you a link to it, maybe it can fill the void.Yeah, guess expecting them to remove her shoes and tickle her feet was a bit too much to ask for. Hopefully somebody will draw a pic with a scenario like that.
I wasn't aware of such a scene, if someone knows about it please share.ps: wasnt there also a scene where Kazuma tickle kris? did they also skip over that one?
maybe this studio doesnt feel comfortable doing tickling.
Oh por Dios. Estoy literalmente a punto de romper a llorar. ¡Es salado con la acumulación y Kazuma moviendo los dedos así!
¡Y luego, literalmente, dice que le hizo cosquillas hasta que se desmayó!
Esto habría sido legendario por lo fluida que es la animación.
Nunca antes me había sentido tan motivado personalmente para hacer una animación corta.
PD: ¿No hubo también una escena en la que Kazuma le hace cosquillas a Kris? ¿También se saltaron ese?
Tal vez este estudio no se sienta cómodo haciendo cosquillas.
Aren't most of those scenes unavailable? There was that site that compiled them but half of the links don't work.Shame about the Konosuba scene.
Thankfully, there’s still almost all of them getting tickled in that one VN.
Also, I was right to be sceptical. I think I'm gonna stay passively pessimistic for future scenes just so I don't get too disappointed.
Enter Asahi Production with Mahoako... We've been spoiledI'm surprised you guys are even surprised by this lol
It was almost impossible they would animate this, studios usually don't go their way out to animate extra stuff, specially something that is barelly even mentioned