Just out of Curiosity, has Ryouko Ookami from Ookamisan and Her 7 Companions have any barefoot scenes, or is she one of the characters that never does?
Sweet.It's Code Geass doujin tickling not Code Geass Epilepsy
And from what i've seen, the comic seems to have originally been made by "almostdeadbydawn".
This is the original.
Can't get it to work, could you re-upload the vide?
I'm using a program called VideoLAN (Or VLC Media Player in other word). Actually worked on both flv format, mp4, wmv, and more.
haha yup, me too. seriously, it plays like everything, and it even supports those 10-bit encoded movies that anime are usually fansubbed in
FlamingNinja for "Huge Anime Tickle Thread President 2012"!