kis, I dont want this to come across as nasty, because you know I like you, and have over the years..
Your post sounds like a reprimand if there ever was one.
This thread. is.. five months old. I shared. in November.. that I had left Aflac. Why this thread was put to the front of the page, I dont know. I havent been posting rants in the main forum, and have been putting all vents in my blog.
I dont know how much you know about baseball, but I'm going to describe the Aflac experience for me this way.
I dont know if you know about the 1991 Atlanta Braves. They were a team that had been in last place for years, and last place the previous baseball season, that got to the seventh game of the World Series that year, before losing in extra innings.
That was a heartbreaking experience. I was a Braves fan back then.
The Aflac experience felt like the same thing to me. A person who had no experience in the insurance industry, passes the insurance exam,and is hired by one of the largest insurance companies in the world, only to have every roadblock thrown in his way by his supervisor, only to nearly sign a mega client, to have the client not sign, and be forced to leave the position that he worked so hard to get by passing the insurance exam., .
All I meant when I replied to Debonair was that I have my college degree. I was not looking to be nasty.
What have I done to find work? Sent out.. A thousand? resumes.. averaging dozens a week, to every conceivable type of job I could think of. I;'ve hasd interviews, and not gotten jobs. I dont post everything I do here.
I went to a speech therapist to work on the stuttering. Even though it has gotten better since I saw her, she doesnt think I should have a job with cold calling, etc.
About my father:
It really sounds like you were justifying him,. which is the thing that is most disturbing to me.
Giving someone money doesnt make them kind, loving, or caring.
I'm aware that he can throw me out of the apartment I live in. I live with that reality all the time. every day. He's more like a boss then a father.
When I came out of the nervous collapse I had following my mother's death, what is it that I did? What did my actions show?
Did I get the easy job to say "Okay, I can make up the shortfall by living off Dad".
No, I took a position in a completely unfamilar field, and passed a professional licensing exam.
I knew insurance was a difficult business, but I had every intention of earning enough money to be completely self sufficient within a year to be completely free of him. In fact, I told him this when I took the position at Aflac.
I'm still working on finding jobs. I do, every day.
The entry level jobs I apply to, I'm going up against people.. 20 years younger then me, and more than once have been asked why someone 45 years old has as little experience as I do.
I'm also working on ideas for businesses and avenues to market a business plan I have that I will not post about.
In many ways.,. the past five months have been more difficult then even the 18 months between the time I found out my mom was going to die, and the time I got the position at Aflac, because then.. I was doing nothing to help myself. That is not the case now.
I honestly dont get.. why threads that I post that are "Months old", get brought back to the forefront. to be pounded on again.
As I posted in my blog yesterday.. if there is anyone who honestly thinks I';n just sitting around, doing nothing, looking to live off my father,. they honestly dont know me at all.
This is not only because,. a 45 year old man shouldnt be living off his father but also because, in spite of the checks he writes me.., the abuse that comes along with the checks, almost isnt worth the money.
On the topic of this thread,.. the original topic. '
At the time I posted the thread.. I was told by my supervisor at the time.. "You can tell everyone that the account is signing, and you have your first mega account at Aflac".
My reaction:
Great, I solidify myself at Aflac, and get at least toward being free of my father.
The situation turned a short time later, as, for whatever reason, the law firm changed their mind, which is what led me to leave Aflac.
Whatever happens in my life now.. I will not post it here, and havent. Except for the post about the person who ranted to me on Facebook, what personal things have I posted in the main forum since November, when I said I was leaving Aflac? Anything personal goes in my blog.
I really wish this thread would have died after five months, and it isnt because "Mitch keeps adding to it"., It s because other people keep bringing it back to the front of the page.
No one stops to think.
"Gee, Mitch worked so hard to pass the insurance exam, and to be at Aflac, it must be really difficult that he was forced to leave there/. Maybe we';ll just leave it alone, unless he posts something".
They just keep adding to it.
I've posted exactly three other personal things in the main forum in the five months since this thread.
When I left Aflac
The job I almost took at Greenpeace that I decided not to take.
The expression of the person who took whatever goes on here to Facebook.
I already said, I'm not going to post about my job interviews, business plans or work.
I dont post about my father in the main forum anymore, and have tried to keep rants about him even in my blog to a minimuim.
I really hope this thread dies, but if I know it, it will be brought back to the front, and wlll go on for another five months.
That is what is truly disturbing.