No need to fear any longer Kered. If Natural Tickler states he will attend to Skippy aggressive bullying I think we can all rest a little easier. I have never known him to fail.
This was a quote I pulled from the New York Post written by a well known and respected journalist.
I want to share with you a few of the tentative conclusions I've reached regarding Skippy Deedoodah's adages. And I stress the word "tentative," because the subject of what motivates Skippy is tricky and complex. For openers, if it weren't for villainous, morally crippled misanthropes, Skippy would have no friends. Yes, her long-term stratagems of infiltration and mass propaganda have been so successful that Skippy can now set up dissident groups and individuals for conspiracy charges and then carry out searches and seizures on flimsy pretexts, but here is the point that is worth considering: Skippy's projects will have consequences, intended and otherwise. And let me tell you, when a friend wants to drive inebriated, you try to stop him. Well, Skippy is drunk with power, which is why we must advocate social change through dialogue, passive resistance, and nonviolence. She wants us to believe that a plausible excuse is a satisfactory substitute for performance. How stupid does she think we are? In classic sophist fashion, I ask another question in reply: What will be the next object of attack from her coalition of self-serving clods and dastardly clowns? Any honest person who takes the time to think about that question will be forced to conclude that there are two sorts of people in this world. There are those who push all of us to the brink of insanity and there are those who tell Skippy what we all think of her -- and boy, do I have some choice words I'd like to use. Skippy fits neatly into the former category, of course.
Skippy's subordinates want to convince others that impertinent cutthroats are the "chosen people" of scriptural prophecy for one purpose and one purpose only: to belittle all fine social standards. Skippy keeps insisting that she is the most recent incarnation of the Buddha. To me, there is something fundamentally wrong with that story. Maybe it's that I am thoroughly shocked and angered by Skippy's ethically bankrupt improprieties. Such shameful conduct should never be repeated. In short, Skippy Deedoodah never acts out of motives that might seem credible or even understandable to the rest of humanity. What you really need to do to be convinced of that, however, is to study the matter for yourself. I'll be happy to send you enough facts to get you started. Just write to me.
Name withheld by request and fear.