As someone who actually can sing and doesn't need a stinkin' computer to make it sound like I can I hate:
Britney Spears
Hillary Duff
Justin Timberlake
Christina Agulera
Lindsey Lohan
Mandy Moore
Aviral what's her face who sings about the skater boy.
I also hate:
Reality TV (Especially American Idol! But I do enjoy Queer Eye)
People who get all angry with me because I prefer Star Trek to Star Wars.
Idiot library patrons who apparently can't read. ("Where are the tax forms?" "Um - on that big table that says TAX FORMS that you just walked right past.")
Celebs who think they have the right to tell people what to do, whom/what to vote for, or what to worship just because they're famous.
All super models (except Tyra Banks).
People who think a migraine is just a headache and that Tylenol will fix it.