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I have a friend i think im going to get good


3rd Level Red Feather
Sep 8, 2007
My best friend jessica. Me and her have been best friends since we were like 6. Knowing her that long she knows everything about me as do i about her in the almost 20 years ive known her she has tickled me more than i can remember for reasons like....

just to do it
to make me do things her way
so i dont chicken out around a guy
admitting i like a guy
because she thinks its funny
and to show other people

well i know she is ticklish on her feet to so i think she should be my first long tickling experience I have never gotten any one longer than 5 minutes she has gotten me for like 30 minutes I want to top that

the last time she got me was friday we were at my house and we were just watching tv and then out of the blue she says we should go to a club tonight and i was like "nah i kinda just want to stay here and be comfortable" then she poked me and asked again "can we go to the club?" Again i say no then she begins tickling my sides and asked again i laugh and say no she grabs my feet rip my sneakers off my feet and tickles my socked feet and asks repeatdly. I screamed Ok and she kept on until i said the sentence "OK we can go to the club.

she deserves it any tips from the ticklers for a lee like me

I got her!!!!
she was laying on her stomach on the floor watching tv and i was on the couch and i was thinking its now or never. So I get up sit on her butt grab her feet wrestled her shoes off and grabed her ankles and pinned them to the ground. I scooted up to where i was sitting on on her ankles leaving her feet immobile. It happend so fast i was in position before she got a word in "hehe wwhat are you doing?" she said and I replied "im going to tickle the crap out of you". I look down at her socked feet making sure she couldnt get away. ( For those who will ask later she was wearing one black sock with a pink toe and heel and one pink with a black toe and heel) She started pleading "Nononononno please no" then i dig in and she goes crazy "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOO!HHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHHEEEHEHEHE" but her reaction only made me speed up. She started pounding the ground and trying to scoot forward but couldnt get away. I was laughing evilly and said something like "jess you are as bad as me! I could do this all day" She is going crazy at this point screaming "PLEASE STOP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IM GOING TO GET HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOUR FEET ARE WORSE THAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINE REMEMBER BHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT!!!" I just keep tickling after 20 minutes she stops begging and just laughs and laughs and laughs. after 40 minutes she pulls her feet out from under me in a last effort. she is tired at this point and i am not done I dig my fingers into her unbound feet making her crawl around the room. I grab her toes of one foot and she keeps crawling and her sock comes off. I push her butt and she falls back on her tummy and I resume my position. I scribble all ten fingers on her bare foot and she goes crazy then i do the same to her socked one she still goes crazy. I was in complete ler mode i did everything from this little piggy to which one tickles more. I got her for a hour and 15 minutes. when i was done she said she was going to get me soon and i said bring it we chilled for a while and then she went home cause she was sleepy i must of wore her out haha.

what do you guys think of my ler time i even took her sock off well on accident but i got her worse than she ever got me hehe im proud

as i type she is tied to her bed she was taking a nap (fully clothed kind of drunk passed out) well i tied a knot around each ankle and put the rope under the the foot of the bed by the wooden frame so it wont pop out. she woke up and i had to wrestle her arms and did the same she asked what in the hell are you doing and i said im going to tickle you alot and she started begging then i walked away put a cover over her and got on here to tell you guys ill be back in a hour or two hehe

well im done I got her good her is the details

I walked in pulled the blanket revealing my victim wearing jeans a black t shirt converse shoes with socks underneath. as soon as i remove the blanket she starts begging "PLEASE NO I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO tAKE IT DONT!!!" Without saying any thing i lift her shirt over her tummy and drive my face into her tummy blowing perhaps the greatest rasberry in history. while doing that i place my hands on her sides. I straddle her and go crazy on her sides pits and belly. She loses it "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAOHGAHAHAHAHAHD NOOOOO!!!! GET OFFF UNTIE HWEHEHEHEHEHEEHHEEHEHEH MEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! I keep the upperboddy assault going for like 15 mins and then i get up like im done and say "I guess i can untie yoooooooooouuuur shoe laces"and she begs You have done enough NO MORE PLEASE!!!" I slowly untie each and remove them both revealing yellow socks with pink heels and toes. I pull back the toes of one foot and go crazy and you should have heard her laugh scream and seen her head shake from side to side and feet twich. I then do the same to her other foot and then i sit at the foot of the bed and let loose on both socked feet and she says something like "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAUR DEAD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT PLEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHEHEHEHSE!!!!" and of course i keep going i take one sock off and tickle each foot to see if she is like me and the sock tickle more well it seems about equal neither foot much different so i guesse shes weird like me haha. but when i put a feather in between her bare foots toes she lost it so i twisted some and left it there while i tickled her socked foot some more the whole tim i tickled her socked foot she shakes the bare one and the feather keeps tickling hehe. I tickled her feet for like 30 mins and untied her she looked so pitiful i had to give her a break but then i jumped on her ankles and got her a few mins the old fashioned way. after it was over i asked if she was pissed and she said no she had been trying to think of a way to do the same thing to me and she said she would get this guy i like to help her get me back
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xD Ooh! Sounds like she does deserve it! And it sounds like fun, too! Hehe, good luck with that one! And tell us how it goes! =P
I would say the first thing you need is surprise, especially if she is stronger than you. She is going to start bucking like a bronco and believe me its not easy keeping your grip in a free-form tickle. If you could pin her down on the couch or the floor and sit on her butt that would give you a positional advantage while allowing access to the feet and the back of her ribs and underarms. If it becomes a wrestling match then grab one of her feet and hang on for dear life. If you have some decent nails they make an excellent tickle weapon.

Go forth and conquer! Mercy is for the weak! LOL.

Good luck.
suprise sit on her butt and hold on gotcha

anyone else got tips

Ive been trying to think of a way i could tie her ankles so her feet dont move as much but ive never tied anyone up before
Well if actual tying up is an option here that is a whole different gameplan. If you have some old full length nylons hanging around grab them.

Sit on her butt and pull her ankles towards you. Then do three quick wraps around her ankles. Do one more wrap around between her feet which will pull the original bind tighter. Then tie with a standard knot. You want the bind tight, but be careful not to cut off circulation. Later you can just cut the nylons off with some scissors.

Just don't let on that you are going to tickle her or you'll never get her tied.
I find that sneaking up on someone, and getting your fingers under their arms usually causes them to instinctively clamp their arms down over your hands...allowing you free reign to torture the hell out of their pits/upper ribs.

Also, if you happen to get her pinned on her back, straddle her hips, and get her hands/arms pinned either beneath her or beneath your own knees/legs. Then, have at it!

Sounds like you're going to have a fabulous time!!! I think everyone should have a friend like you!!!! 😉
thanks camel im going to try and pay her back for alot she has put my feet through hell so Im going to do the same to her.
Duct tape would be fine provided that she is wearing pants that would not be damaged by the glue... like jeans for example. I would not advise duct taping her bare skin without her consent.

Camel is correct about the underarms. If you get your hands up into her pits from behind that is another great position and its easy to keep her off balance.
Sounds like its going to be exciting!
Are you going to build up to it and have a reason why your tickling her, like she wanted you to go to the club, or just randomly grab her and start tickling?😉
Good luck
Based on my own experiences getting tickled (which has happened once or twice), the various options that involve sitting on her sound safest. The fingers-under-the-arms gambit pretty reliably reduces me to a helpless heap, but your friend sounds like a fighter, and plus, you're really ticklish; the women tickling me often aren't as ticklish as I am.

If she's on her back and you're pinning her arms with your knees, she's very nearly helpless, but guard against getting bucked off--I've managed to topple ticklers off of me just through the panicked bucking of my torso. If she's on her stomach and you're sitting on her back, then you've got her--I've never ever managed to escape from that maneuver, my tickler only freeing me when she feels like it. Plus, in that position she can't tickle you back, and did I mention how you're really ticklish?

Sitting on her ankles is viable too, though she can still sit up and tickle you--and, by the way, don't forget, you're really ticklish. I've been devastated a few times by someone sitting on my ankles and tickling my feet while I'm lying on my stomach, but she'll still have a lot of room to twist around and squirm that way, so you'd need strength and dedication and some luck.
wade you sound like you dont have much faith in me i think im going to tape her ankles im not sure how id get her wrists
no she is just stronger than me so i have to catch her laying down catch legs and tape them so she dosent kick me lol
the hollywood brother wishes you good luck. maybe get her when she is sitting or laying down. just pounce on top of her, tape her arms and legs and then go to town for hours on end.
Be careful with the type of tape you use: the duck is great but leaves nasty welts upon removal as a reminder. 🙂

Whenever, however and whatever you choose to do, have a great time with it and, given what you have said before, prepare for the eventual revenge tickle. 😉
she got me again last night she sat on my ankles and tickled me for like 20 minutes she didnt even have a reason she is so mean i think im going to get her in the next week
When she sits on your ankles: get her sides or try for her feet if you are sitting up. if on your stomach, well, just take it. ever think she might be into tickling too?:redface:
Damn, I think I need friends like yours, sockticklingirl. Actually, she sounds like quite a ticklephile herself. I'm not sure I really have any solid advice other than maybe try to catch her while she's sleeping, if you ever have that opportunity. I wish you the best of luck! Your friend sounds like she deserves it big time, and for a looooooooong time, too. :feather:
I got her!!!!
she was laying on her stomach on the floor watching tv and i was on the couch and i was thinking its now or never. So I get up sit on her butt grab her feet wrestled her shoes off and grabed her ankles and pinned them to the ground. I scooted up to where i was sitting on on her ankles leaving her feet immobile. It happend so fast i was in position before she got a word in "hehe wwhat are you doing?" she said and I replied "im going to tickle the crap out of you". I look down at her socked feet making sure she couldnt get away. ( For those who will ask later she was wearing one black sock with a pink toe and heel and one pink with a black toe and heel) She started pleading "Nononononno please no" then i dig in and she goes crazy "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOO!HHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHHEEEHEHEHE" but her reaction only made me speed up. She started pounding the ground and trying to scoot forward but couldnt get away. I was laughing evilly and said something like "jess you are as bad as me! I could do this all day" She is going crazy at this point screaming "PLEASE STOP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IM GOING TO GET HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOUR FEET ARE WORSE THAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINE REMEMBER BHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT!!!" I just keep tickling after 20 minutes she stops begging and just laughs and laughs and laughs. after 40 minutes she pulls her feet out from under me in a last effort. she is tired at this point and i am not done I dig my fingers into her unbound feet making her crawl around the room. I grab her toes of one foot and she keeps crawling and her sock comes off. I push her butt and she falls back on her tummy and I resume my position. I scribble all ten fingers on her bare foot and she goes crazy then i do the same to her socked one she still goes crazy. I was in complete ler mode i did everything from this little piggy to which one tickles more. I got her for a hour and 15 minutes. when i was done she said she was going to get me soon and i said bring it we chilled for a while and then she went home cause she was sleepy i must of wore her out haha.

what do you guys think of my ler time i even took her sock off well on accident but i got her worse than she ever got me hehe im proud
Wow that was a heck of a story. It definitely looks like you give as well as you get😉 Bravo:super_hap
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