4u, you are a good guy. However, I read the papers. They said that John Scherholtz, the Atlanta GM, put four, one year, nine million dollar per year, contracts in front of Glavine, in December 2002, just before he signed with the Mets, and Glavine rejected them. He would never have taken 9 mil a year total for two years, because that would have represented a 3 mil a year cut from the salary of 7.5 mil a year he made in 2002. While he did get a 4 year deal from the Mets for an average of 11.5 mil a year, the Braves made him a decent offer. I personally would not have left Atlanta, especially since he hasnt yet won a thing in NY. Maybe this year, who knows.
Yes, I do concede, he was 8/9 responsible for pitching the game that gave Atlanta the championship, with Wohlers pitching the ninth. However, he isnt pitching nearly as well with the Mets as he did with Atlanta. That could be because for his three years there so far, the Mets havent had nearly as good of a team.
Mods, I apologize if this post is a bit off topic, I just wanted to tell 4u the circumstances of Glavine's departure from Atlanta. Iam not attacking him in any way, just merely relaying a situation. Thank you.