Pfffffhfhfhfhfhf..... So I downloaded the game, and booted it up.. Okay, lemme just tell you the whole story...
Once I started the game up for the first time, I was asked to pick between "New Game" or "Load Game". Since I still haven't figured out what a "Load Game" is (I always stay away from them because they sound like math games. Come to think of it... Why do almost ALL games these days have those stupid little math games in the main menu?) I decided to click on "New Game". The game then began to give me the most cringe worthy disclaimer I've ever heard in my life. After that fiasco was over, I was asked if I was 18 or older. This is one I had to REALLY think about. Here's how my thought process went:
Hmmm.... This again...
I only have two choices, so I can't say I'm eleventy twelve like I always do.
I guess I should pick "Yes I'm 18"
*moves the mouse over my selection*
*my eyes narrow*
No... That's exactly what they're expecting.
*Clicks "I'm younger than 18"*
The game then delves into an extended conversation about how it is indeed fun to build massive towers out of mega blocks in my living room, than asks me to go play with my legos that it somehow inexplicably knew I had.
I had the odd feeling it had just changed the subject away from something important...
It then dropped me back into the main menu to repeat the whole sodding process over again.
I'm stuck. If I click "I'm older than 18" I'd surely be walking straight into their trap. But If I click "Younger than 18", It takes me in a circle.
What should I do????