Hi all,
After thinking about my idea for the motion sensor tickling device, I remembered that I dod post it at one time, waaaaay back in 2003, on this forum. I found it and here's a reprint of it for your enjoyment.
When it comes to tickling, my warped mind has come up with some strange ideas. Basic electronics is a hobby of mine. I've tried to incorporate this into my tickling fantasies as often as possible. One idea would subject a ticklish victim to a good deal of psychological torment as well as some tickling torment. My device consists mainly of a modified motion detector light. You know, the one that turns on the outside light when you come into the coverage area of the motion sensor? A sensor like this might or might not work. It may be too sensitive to movement, I dunno. But I do like the idea behind it.
Well, here goes the idea.....
We have the victim in place with feet tied securely and unable to move, and she is covered over by a thin sheet of plywood or other solid material. The only part of her that's exposed is her face. Note.. the rest of her must be covered by something that would cover any movement that would engage the motion sensor.
Anyone that is somewhat handy with their hands can modify the motion sensor. Just find the 2 wires that connect from the sensor to the light bulbs. Instead of connecting to the lights, connect them to the coil terminals on a set of relays that have a time delay contactor attached. A time delay relay can be adjusted to actually start from zero to one minute after the contacts are activated.
Now the technical stuff starts, fine tuning the torture device. Most motion sensors have 2 adjustments.
1 for sensituvity. This is to adjust how much movement sets this thing off.
1 for how long the light stays on after movement has stopped.
The tickling device consists of a small timer motor that's geared for 5 to 10 RPM. Attached to the shaft is any device with tickling material fastened to it. It is powered on when the contactor equipped with the time delay relay gets activated.
Here's what happens;
The victim has to lie with her face perfectly motionless in front of the motion sensor. Any movement, and she will hear the 'CLUNK' of the contactor when it activates. The time delay relay is set for about 30 seconds. This means that 30 seconds after 'CLUNK', the device starts rotating and the tickling torment starts. The adjustment on the light sensor is set so that it shuts off 20 seconds after no movement. Once she hears the contactor close, she has about a 10 second window to become motionless again to shut off the motion detector before the tickling starts. The thing is, she wont know if she is successful or not till the contactor shuts off or the tickling starts.
If she was unlucky enough not to make it in time, and she's gettin her feet tickled, the only way to get the dam machine to stop tickling, is to keep her face motionless during the tickling for at least 20 seconds, when the sensor will cut off power to the contactor. After which, if she does not want to go through that experience again, she has to stay motionless!
Hope I explained it so you all have an idea of what I have in mind. What do you think? Warped or what. I'm actually thinkin of gearing up a schematic diagram for this contraption. Critiques (good, bad and/or indifferent) are welcome.