Hey Horatio, My Aunt Ruth is a real tough Lady, she's both physically and mentally strong, and bows to no one.....or so I thought !
But to answer your cunning poser..... I truly dread to think what Treena would do to my Aunt if she were to have her bound.
There was real spite and devilish intent etched on her face that night, my Aunt dislikes Treena, of that she's openly admitted, but I would go a step further and say Treena HATES my Aunt's guts....you had to be there to see her cruel intent.
Having my Aunt bound and secured would be quite kinky but whether I could go through with it is another matter, a friendly tickle it would not be !!!!.
It would be sheer torture for my Aunt.....and to be taken apart by that little bitch would be both too humiliating, embarrassing and shocking for my Aunt to cope with, it would leave her beaten and devastated !