OooooOOOOOOooook, now .. You REALLY had me going with that, I thought
you would be leaving!
And I'll work on that request, Crystal. Just don't leave the TMF before I finish it, kay? 😉
Kered..Your dead..Dead I said ..Kered !!!!
Yes. You are amazing at pointing out obvious humor.
Let me write that down in my thing's I don't give a fuck about notebook! 😀
I'm sorry. What is the point of you bein' in this thread?
It was molded for fun, an you've got to come in here all self-righteous an' throwin' names around?
I'm trying to get attention, apparently. But you are continuously pointing this out...Why? What are you trying to establish?
Lack of creativity?
The need to dog on other people's threads/personalities because your own dissapoints you?
Managed to get a new site many of you know I am decent at HTML.. So I created a Smouch account. I will still see most in NH.. Until whenever, my friends...
Jo's Site:
I click on the Jo's site link and get youtube. Is that your new site?
I click on the Jo's site link and get youtube. Is that your new site?
Outta Curiosity? Why did you bump this up?
Hmmmm? Just wondering
I own youtube now.
Shh..don't tell anyone though !
Outta Curiosity? Why did you bump this up?
Hmmmm? Just wondering
My issue is not with you Bright Eyes, I am sure Crystal Light can fight her own battles.
My issue is not with you Bright Eyes, I am sure Crystal Light can fight her own battles.
When someone asks you a question, and you answer said question, that is called "replying."
When someone responds to a dead thread with the word "bump," that is called "bumping."
Free vocab lesson adjourned. 🙂
Well, I am just going to take the high road and stop all this negativity that is going on in this thread. I wish the best in all that you do and good luck with your new website called Smouch. I do really want to congratulate you on your new feather level. Take care and good luck.
Well, I am just going to take the high road
LOL. French horns, maybe. But you're dead on target with the "bull."Good choice.
Don't poke the bull, if you don't want the horns.
LOL. French horns, maybe. But you're dead on target with the "bull."