'Course y'can Candis ^^ And...well, it's because I'm busy getting well 😛 I WILL get back on eventually, but since I got sick I got too busy 🙁 I've had too many visitors in and out to have anything open, so I quickly check TT every now and then to update you all ^^
XD Thanks Brad! Yeah, the infection, and accompanying vertigo/headaches are all gone. The incision isn't as painful as it was when I first got it---it hurt to sit up at first >< Now I can transfer pretty easily, and the toughest time I have is in the showers. I'm NOT touching the head incision...though the sterry strips have come off...those things that hold an incision together 'til your body takes over and starts healing itself. I had all the stitches except one removed, and I'm gonna do that next week.
Miss Sassy....heehee...but we can still tease you about it, right? 😉