Please don't leave tickleshotel. Please don't feel that way. It is not true. You greatly contribute sooo much to the forum. This forum would not be the same without you on here. You are a sweet wonderful person. A real sweetie and a great friend. You contribute and you give back so much to the tickling community and to other people in general outside the tickling community. You are a very tender-hearted, kind, and loving person.
You are a inspiration to others and you are a very strong person-you are definitely a survivor-you always seem to find great inner strength that many of us only wish; we could find within ourselves-to brush ourselves off and bravely face tomorrow and brush the dust off our feet
and bravely face the obstacles and challenges that the next day holds in store.
And that my friend is a great gift that God has richly
blessed you with-the awesome divine gift of most times being able to look on the bright side and looking on the positive and not focusing on the negative and obstacles that threaten to drag you down. Cherish that friend,
that is rare indeed being able to have that kind of immense emotional resilience and able to truly be able to bounce back. That is truly a gift from God, definitely cherish that.
Really wish you did not feel this way. You are great, you are awesome friend. And I think I can echo and voice the sentiments that if ever you were to leave-there would be lots of broken hearts and lots of broken spirits left in the wake of you leaving.
You make such a great uplifting and loving positive impact on this forum, you are there for so many of us and for so many of your fans and your friends....there would indeed be many sad and many tears shed tickleshotel, dear friend. So please erase that thought from your mind
and heart please I beg and beseech you.
You are wonderful and sweet just the way you are.
Don't ever change friend, you are indeed a great blessing to many and to me also. Feel that God greatly has smiled upon me and has greatly blessed me friend, yes we have our differences like all of us have-but all in all- cherish our friendship, feel you are a true wonderful blessing from God-cherish us being such good friends. I love you very much friend and hope you know that even sometimes times lately have been rough and rocky as of late, please never doubt that you are greatly cared for and greatly appreciated and loved friend.
ticklebunny 2