Originally posted by Myst
I actually was referring to a new forum, not associated with the TMF in anyway. Because we all know that there are many teens on here, guest AND signed-up, who are looking for others who can discuss their tickling fetish.
Teen are a thing... underage, on the other hand, shouldn't really be browsing this site. I'm not saying they are not mature enough: but I like to know I'm writing post and offer pics to an older, grown up audience. If I wanted to "censor" myself, I'd be browsing a family forum. 🙂
Now, a Teen tickling forum could be viable, weren't for the inherently sexual matter. Fetishes are part of sexual life, and a forum for teens would either be a collection of cartoon clips, or a guidance service. And ppl might object at a site aimed at minors explaining them how to have a DIFFERENT sexual lifestyle.
We all know, accept and like our fetish, but some psychologists consider fetishes pathologic, next to insanity. I'm not making things up, web is full of this kind of psychologic advisors. And we know some of them are short sighted.
So... well, you get my point. 🙂
Strict rules applying, yes, they shouldn't be allowed in. But due to the limitations of the internet, unregistered guests can still browse at will.
We could turn images and files sharing off for unregistered users. This might dissuade underage lurkers and force them to join or look elsewhere.
*sigh* I think the TMF needs an American Admiralty flag, signing that they are free from the laws set down by the U.S. XD
What about asking an alien provider to host it? 😀 😀 😀
I heard romulans find tickling sexy... 😀 😀 😀
Oh well, this topics dead anyway, so this'll most likely be my last response. Thanks for giving your views Kalamos, bye ^^
At any rate, regs'!