Personally, I found this to be a key sentence in Moradilas' original post:
MTJpub said:
I’m not suggesting that everyone would be interested in viewing such a tape but I am suggesting that more people do than are usually willing to admit, particularly in a public forum.
That is not the accusation for ANY point of view, but for a widespread hypocrisy in most fetish communities. However much some people publicly detest state-condoned torture, many of them would pay a small fortune to see this in a video, and that goes for tickling as well as for a certain part of the BDSM community.
The background of this seems to be the fact that the viewer is not responsible for the actions of the torturer, nor for the consequences to the victim. The atrocities have been committed already, and the viewer is free of legal (!) guilt. None of the viewers committed, ordered, or even condoned a crime. So what?
Only the most honest ones would admit that this scenario turns them on. And only the most moral people can say that they wouldn't be turned on by that. The rest would condemn the atrocities, buy the vid, and maybe they would send a donation to amnesty international to calm their own conscience. And that's hypocrisy.
I was truly astonished about the high ratio of honest people in the chat mentioned by Morandilas. The community seems to be more honest than the majority of the "vanilla" world.
UN Owen, I think you were overreacting to Morandilas' post. In fact he didn't accuse anybody of anything. I believe you that you belong to the few people with a high enough moral not to enjoy seeing such a "real-life torture" video. I can imagine that, because that scenery doesn't apply to me either. Quite a while ago, I bought the vid "Nonconsensual 1" by Paradise. I watched it, was disgusted, and sold it almost immediately. The person buying it from me was delighted, and he asked me if I knew of other vids in the same style, if not even harder.
I didn't condemn that buyer, and I wouldn't dare to condemn any buyer of a real-life torture vid either, as long as that person would be honest enough to say he gets turned on by it. Nobody should be condemned for a fantasy, or even the lack of any. I condemn the torturer and the state authorities of the country where that happened, nobody else. I think we can agree on this POV.
As you can see from the stories I've written over the years, I'm much more into consensual, erotic tickle play. That doesn't keep me from enjoying to read non-consensual stuff like MTJ's "Tales from the Asylum". Like you, I'm able to distinguish clearly between reality and fantasy. Some of our TMF members can't, and most of those would never admit it. They have to grow up, and maybe with some help from the community. You won't help anybody by condemning him.