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Interview with Saddam


3rd Level Yellow Feather
Oct 23, 2001
Tonight, on 60 Minutes 2, there is an interview with Saddam. Dan Rather is over there and interviewed the assclown....er, uh....leader for 3 hours. According to Rather, there was nothing cut from the interview when it was reviewed by Iraqi authorities. They showed a minute of it on last night's news. Saddam says he will never destroy the weapons that break the rules of the UN resolution 1441...on limitting arms in Iraq.

I plan to tune in and see for myself what the man has to say. I no longer trust those pushing for a war to tell me the truth about the situation. They may be right in our need to go in. But, GOD! I really can't stand it when people lie to me!

both sides are going to lie to you, thats what governments do. you should pay attention to the grassroots based anti war movements developing throughout the world
grasroot anti war rallys around the world are simply marxcist socailist communist and plain anti american
keith940 said:
grasroot anti war rallys around the world are simply marxcist socailist communist and plain anti american
This is either a badly done attempt at trolling or the most generalized, deluded and wantonly provocative opinion yet about the entire issue. Not that it doesn't contain a grain of truth - I'm sure a small percentage of the anti-war protesters are marxists, socialists, communists AND anti-American. even though it's impossible to be a socialist and a communist at the same time. Um.

Anyway, this whole Interview-With-The-Dictator stuff is pretty nifty. I hope Saddam gets played by Christopher Walken in the screenplay. I like Walken. Also, the only thing remaining to be done is offer Hussein screen time on one of the big stations. Set up the studio. Get him to attend alongside Bush. Then, just as he's about to make his first statement, splatter his brains all over the walls with the minigun hidden in the camera. Solves a lot of trouble without having to wage a war over it, or at least shortens the war considerably. Then it's just a matter of time before Bin Laden falls for the same idea.

Hey, I'm anti-war, not pro-Hussein. Were there such a thing as a Saddam-seaking cruise missile, I'd be applauding the launch. I'd even wave one of those pathetic little flags (Why do patriots wave things that are usually seen as Sundae-and-Cocktail decorations?)
There's more than a grain of truth to it, actually.

While the majority of the protester are not left-wing fanatics, many of those organizing the protests are, in fact, part of a clique of extreme leftist movements whose agenda is far broader than just protesting the Bush administration's position on Iraq.
***Golden Rule Violation. Post removed by Marauder***
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Personally? I'd rather just see 'em duke it out. After all, Saddam DID challenge GW to a duel just a few months back. Say what you will about the man in other respects, but I think that everyone'll agree that President Bush keeps himself in pretty good physical condition. He'd probably whip Saddam's ASS in a fight.

Mark my words: If I'm ever President, a key element of my foriegn policy will involve challenging crazed dictators to bare-knuckled boxing matches. ;)
asutickler said:
Personally? I'd rather just see 'em duke it out. After all, Saddam DID challenge GW to a duel just a few months back. Say what you will about the man in other respects, but I think that everyone'll agree that President Bush keeps himself in pretty good physical condition. He'd probably whip Saddam's ASS in a fight.

Mark my words: If I'm ever President, a key element of my foriegn policy will involve challenging crazed dictators to bare-knuckled boxing matches. ;)

LOL! I can see it now....."MTV presents "Presidential Death Match"
Good physical condition...

Why shouldn't Shrub be in good physical condition? He's got nothing else to do. I'd rather have a president in good mental condition, who works his ass off trying to better the lot of working-class Americans than some overaged gym rat.

And don't be so sure Shrub could beat Hussein in a fistfight. Stupidity would put Shrub at a big disadvantage.
Re: Good physical condition...

Stephen said:
And don't be so sure Shrub could beat Hussein in a fistfight. Stupidity would put Shrub at a big disadvantage.

Baseless slander of the President aside... How do you explain the success of boxers such as Mike Tyson if a low IQ is a disadvantage in a fistfight?

Wonderful comparison, asu. Sometimes, so much talent can overcome lack of brains. Besides, what decent fighter can Tyson beat today?

After the interview, who scares you more Dan Rather or Saddam?
Personally I think Saddam could be more scary if didn't have so many hand-me-down weapons and wore a uniform that fit him. He looks like he got ripped off at an Army-Navy Surplus shop.
Gentlemen, what does a world leader DeathMatch (tm) have to do with that interview? Get on topic or get used to edited posts.

I didn't catch the interview. Has anyone seen this? If so, did he REALLY deny that they were gonna destroy the bombs that they've now said they'd destroy?
Sorry for engaging on a bit 'o hijaking (sounds like a candy bar!). ;)

The full transcript of Saddam's interview can be found here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/26/60II/main542151.shtml

I haven't had time to read it yet... But it looks kinda interesting. Saddam (if this is the real one, and not one of the (at least) three "doubles" he uses) is calmer and more well-spoken than I would've guessed, given his brutal ways...
Readin' that bit of political double-speak, he says he won't AND that they already did. Nice. *sigh*

Quotin' his translator, "These missiles were des - missiles that were proscribed - have been destroyed and are no longer there. "

Not a lot of room to argue that. For that country's sake, I hope he's bein' straight. It'd be sad t'have t'create a great glassine bowl of that desert land. The people don't deserve such.

Sad though, how the man backs down while puffing up about how they won't. There's no fight if they remove the problem files. If he want to aggravate the world, he needs only to coorperate.

Now, if CNN is correct in it's reports to today, there's more components present and found. Those folk face imminent destruction if they don't come clean and celar that stuff out, at LEAST until Hussein ain't in charge.

I personally doubt that this will happen well enough, fast enough, to prevent hostilities. It's like Hussein forgets where they were, a few decades ago, impoverished with rich holders of oil rights. I'm amazed there's been no revolution...
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