It has been brought to my attention that I may have picked a bit too hard on Robace the last month or so. Having thought over the subject I have to agree that I may have gone overboard on the teasing of Rob, especially his dancing. I heard a lot of, "At least he got up there and danced. Can you say the same?". And this criticism is rightly upon my head. The Mexican dances are hard to learn and to perform. So.............................
I caught a couple of the lovely TMF ladies and asked then to teach me some dance steps so I could at least give Rob a chance to criticize my dancing. As the ladies were all late for appointments, they did give me ten minutes of their time and we caught my feeble attempt at dance on tape for all to have a laugh at. Can I dance as well as Robace? Not in my mind, but we'll let you decide.
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