*a Hush falls over the crowd*
A small stage comes down slowly, inch by agonizing inch, eventually coming to rest upon the bare, polished hardwood stage.
The Deity of the TMF steps forth, takes a deep breath, and says....
He managed to lure in and tickle a Bikini Karaoke Babe, a fact of which he's quite proud
I'm certain word's out by now, listen to the gasps from the crowd ... PhilanderingPhineas!
He's bulky, green, and British, sees conspiracies hither and yon
One wonders if the mafia is missing a large, green Don ... BigMonaclewearinJim!
"Mastress Zarla, Mastress Zarla!" he cries, "can you untie me real soon?"
the poor fellow seems to walk around in a constant swoon ... SpanishMiracleMilagros!
Now this one seems an interesting fellow, German traveler beyond compare
Incisively cuts rhetoric in argument, I hear he even has hair! ... HalBertkitzeler
Short little hippie, she thought she'd escape with nary a scratch
she forgets all that hairspray, better watch that lit match! ... Aylafingersnappinhempchick
*bows theatrically*