I am very ticklish so for me I don't like being pushed too far. Kink is supposed to be fun for everyone taking part, I think its very important to remember that!
So many things these days are about going the extra mile, pushing the envelope, going to the extreme. Even as I write this I can see an advertisement for videos stating things like 'No Safe Word', 'No turning back', 'total surrender', only if you dare! That's sort of thing. I find that a total turn off. I mean sure yes it's fun to play things up a little but if I was curious about something, not necessarily kink or fetish mind the first thing I would do is Google it. Now if I see something that looks very extreme, over the top all that sort of thing. Well it would put me off for sure.
If you could look at the members on this website and it was possible to see how many are men and how many are women. I would think there are more men, a lot more men than women. Now if you ask the member if they would prefer things to stay as they are or have more female members, well I think I know what the answer would be.
Women like to be daring too. I like some fairly kinky things and some of them really do make me blush even though they are my fantasies and some yes I think will only ever be that because I am not brave enough to try them also I think the reality would not live up to my fantasy. I think it is up to the individual what they like but its worth keeping in mind that not everyone feels the same way.
So sorry for the long explanation but my answer would be no I do not find all that screaming and very over the top reactions from either over sensitive ticklees or in some cases overacting to be a turn on, very much a turn off.