that was my whole point. my intent wasn't to compare rape to creepy compliments (i know they're two vastly different things); all i was trying to say that i think it's fucked up to say that a woman deserves your unwanted advances because of something she is wearing. women don't wear things to get unwanted attention. unwanted = unwanted, end of story.
True. I fully agree with you insofar as a woman should be able to wear whatever she likes without inviting inappropriate comments from strangers. However...
You're still using "rape" as an analogy for "unwanted advances". Unwanted advances still != rape, simply because regardless of what the guy actually
says, if you're not in the mood to talk to him it's by definition unwanted. "Hi, nice day" when you're deep in a book and don't want to be bothered is an unwanted advance. "Nice tits, wanna go out back and fuck?" is
also an unwanted advance.
If it looks like I'm hammering on this point, it's because a
lot of guys are afraid to talk to women because they think their "Hi, nice day!" is going to be interpreted as "Nice tits." And, given that you leapt to "rape" to describe "unwanted advances", in a sense it's not an
entirely unfounded fear on the guys' part. I've got more stories than I can count of women jumping to really weird conclusions over totally innocuous things. It
Speaking personally, I get a little irked when I hear women complain that guys don't have the "balls" to approach them in public anymore when the reason so many of them don't approach is that they get labelled as creepy when they do, no matter what they say, simply by virtue of the fact that they weren't able to correctly guess beforehand whether or not she wanted them to approach. It's not as easy as it seems, and the line between "unwanted" and "wanted" varies according to a dozen factors... very few to none of which the guy may know ahead of time. So he has "balls", and he takes the plunge, and bam; he guessed wrong. Unwanted advance. Creeper! Or, he guessed right. Wanted advance. True wuv! Cute Meet story.
You get the point.
Speaking of which...
Everything you said in your last post definitely explains why you have been single for a decade and should expect to be for another.
o rly?
What, exactly, did I say that's so horrible? Here are the points I've made since I started posting in this thread, up to and including my last post. Please tell me which which ones you think are false, and/or take offense to. I'm genuinely curious.
1) If you don't want a woman to think you're creepy, talk to her like she's a person, not an object.
2) Foot fetishists are notorious for blaming the fetish, and not the creepy behavior it inspires, for womens' disgust.
3) I've been told by a fairly decent number of women that they do like to show off outfits/pedicures/etc.
4) YouTube people routinely lie about how they acquired their 'footage'.
5) a compliment != rape. Corollary, unwanted attention also != rape.
and now, my last post, which is very, very heinous;
6) It's unfair to label men as stupid for not getting hints, and then turning around and claiming no hints are being given.
7) Some women look at all unwanted attention as equally horrible. Some men are afraid of this, and it results in confusion.
8) Evidence of the previous two points can be found over and over again in posts on this forum.
9) Some women aren't clear in what they want. Others are. Men have a hard time telling the difference. Be aware of that and cut us some slack.
10) It'd be nice to not be called a rapist so frequently (or, by extension, a horrible person who'll never get laid) by pointing out these things.
So, Cif, which is it? By my own personal assessment, I'm single because I can't tell whether or not women are interested, so I don't ask them out lest my unwanted advances be perceived as creepy and horrible, because I don't like to offend or upset people. And, since men are expected to do the out-asking in most societies, especially Western ones, women don't ask me out instead... so, no dates are had. No dates = single.
Then again, what do I know...