I've definitely said exactly what a lot of you are saying on here before and have been accused of B.S. and gotten into full blown arguments with people on here. For me, whether or not tickling is sexual depends on who I am with. If I am with someone that I am flirting with and physically/sexually attracted to, then yes. Tickling takes on a more flirtatious, sexual element. If it is with some of my friends or a family member, it is playful and not sexual. Like many of you have said in this thread as well, I feel like there are people on this site and out in the world that believe the tickling fetish is purely for arousal or sexual gratification. That, and I also feel that quite a few people believe you can only fall into one of two categories, not both: those who get aroused by tickling and those who do it for fun. Again, this is not the case. It is possible to exist in both worlds.
At this point in my life, tickling is only really sexual or fetishized with one person, my now wife, as it should be (anything else would be cheating). When I hear people admit or talk about how ticklish they are or see people tickle each other, I get curious from a fun standpoint. I used to hate my tickling fetish back in the day because I felt it was creepy and weird and did not match the norm that everyone else around me seemed to be into. However, now I view tickling as fun/funny. Its fun to see the reactions on people's faces, its fun to make them laugh, its fun to see them squirming around. Take the true story I wrote the other day at the nail salon involving my wife and her sister-in-law. My wife and I weren't tickled by the pedicures, but my wife's sister-in-law ended up squirming around like crazy and making the funniest facial expressions. My wife and I both teased her about her facial expressions and she playfully acted annoyed and so on. I wasn't aroused by the situation but I found it playful and funny.
Same for both my male and female friends, though there is rarely any tickling between us now, if at all. Kinda left all that stuff back in high school and college.