knight said:Well, a man cannot help but be chivalrous and curteous with such a fair maiden.![]()
oooooooo you are such a charmer..

knight said:Well, a man cannot help but be chivalrous and curteous with such a fair maiden.![]()
isabeau said:oooooooo you are such a charmer..![]()
knight said:Just trying to be a gentleman. I figure I should be nice here, because I'm being quite devilish to you in another thread![]()
isabeau said:yes you are...and a knight should never be devilish..![]()
knight said:Wellll, there's degrees. A black knight can be devilish, a rogue, a scoundrel. A white knight is the one filled with honor, valor, compassion. Over there, I'm your Black Knight. Here, I can be your White Knight.
isabeau said:ahh that will work.. i like both black and white knight's...![]()
knight said:Yes, black and white knights are great, especially when your have some bishops, rooks, kings, queens, and pawns standing around. Then you can get a good game of chess going! (ooooo... sorry about that. A long way to go for a really poor joke.)
isabeau said:i played chess back in grade school.. and did you say pawns or prawns? lol..![]()
isabeau said:i think prawns are giant shrimp.. and i was good at chess. lol.
knight said:Now I do like shrimp. And you'd probably kick my butt in chess.
isabeau said:gotta pay you back somehow for all that tickling torture you put me through.![]()
knight said:Like I'm even finished yet. 😛oke3:![]()
isabeau said:i uh eeks... looks like you are finished to me.. hehe..![]()
isabeau said:o yes you are.. lolol... 😛
knight said:Well, in the immortal words of one of my sig quotes, "Oh, I don't think so!"
isabeau said:which sig quote?? i don't see anything in those immortal words written..![]()
knight said:It's one of the quotes in my signature. The Star Wars one. It's a line from Episode III. And stop trying to change the subject. 'Course I don't remember what the subject of this thread is, anymore.
isabeau said:o the thread was about a silly joke that Illtcklu started lololol maybe this should be carried over into the tease thread..![]()