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let's flirt with kurchy

ahahahahahahahaha noooooooooooooooooooooooooo ahahahahahahah please heheheeheheheheheheheheh noooooooooooooo hahahahahahahahahaa cant stop hahahahahahahahahaah
hahahahahahaahahah noooo not the tummyheheheheeheheheh no hahahahahahaha pleaseheheheheheheheheheheh nohohhoohohohhoohoh hahahahahahah tickles so hohohohohohohoho hahahahahahaahh
hahahahahahaahahah noooooooooooooooo hahahahah not tummyhehehehehehehe please hahahahahahahaahah stop hahahahahahahah tickles hahahahahahahah tickles so much ahahahahahahahahhahahaahahha
YES! YES! I am Very Ticklish!!! ahahahahahahahahahahah NOT THE SIDES NOOOOOOOOOOOO ahahahahahahahahahahhaahahah pleaseheheheheheheheheheh oh god hahaahahhaahha not the sides nooooohohohohohohohohohohohohhohoh HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH
HAhahahahahahahahah VERY VERY VERY TICKLISH!!!! ahahahahaahahahhahahahaahhahaahahahahahah PLEASE NO RIBS AHahahaahhahahahahaahahahahahahahah no ribs not fair HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH STOP HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
hahahahahahahahah noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleasehehehehehehehe no hohohohohohohoho tickles hahahaaahahahah please too ticklish hahahahahahahahahahahahah
*I laugh with you and get two feather dusters and show them to Kurchy* Want me to use these?
Nooooooooooooooooooo Not FEATHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (toes wiggle nervously)
hahahahahahahaha no pleeeeeeasehehehehehehe no feathers hahahahahahahahhaahahah not the feathers hahahahahahahahaa noooooooooo hohohohohohhohohohohoho
(pulls on restraints) Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooohohohohohohohohohoh not the sides hahahahahahahaha pleasehheeheheheheheheheheh hahahahahahahahahahahahahah nohohohohohohohohhohohohohoho hahahahahahhah no feathers hahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahhah
hahahahahahahahha not fair hahahahahahahahahaha nooooooooooooooohohohohohohohoh not fair hahahahahahahahhahaah nohohohohohohohohohohho god it tickles hahahahahhahhahaahaahahah
(Starts to thrash about) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT FAIR HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TICKLE TOOO MUCH hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha pleasehheheheheehehehehehehehehe hahahahaahahahahhaahahahahahahahaah
hahahahahahhah thank you hahahahahahahaha thank you hahahahahahahahahahahahahah hehehehehehehehehehehheeeheh
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