*The tiny spiders form together to make one big spider, which uses its eight legs to tease her belly. Web shoots out and sticks her so she can't squirm at all.*
*It moves to your feet and notices they are not webbed. In fact, only your belly had been webbed, and your feet are flailing around like crazy. It shoots web and your feet stop moving.*
*It sprays plenty more, making mobile movement in your feet unavailable. The webbing is too strong. It seems to drool as it stares at your helpless feet.*
*My hands dance up and down your feet, and you can only twist your head and move your arms. Somehow, the lock on the stocks rusted, broke, and your arms can move, but you can't sit up or anything.*
I move to your arms, which you had thrown over your head during the last attack, and I place my hands under your arms, careful not to pu my feet anywhere near your hands.*