When considering women here, it's good to actively avoid negatives and the use of descriptors that might be interpreted as less than completely equal. Error on the side of caution.
I'd be interested too. But I agree with Danny, don't seem to be a lot of girls interested when these potential munches come up....
I no longer chide folks in other threads. Moderating this long has taught me thus. I'm quite certain you'll be pleasant, and were speaking completely colloquially. The problem with the net is that it's text-based for communication. Add to that a few centuries of women being treated poorly and fighting for things that male peers get, de facto, and it becomes easier to first establish yourself well with a group, physically (or through many moons of online discourse).
It won't kill anyone, this thread will sink down with a thousand others in this section, and when I meet you, I'm certain you, me, Primetime, and the rest of that mob down there will have a splendid time, just like last time.
Like Primetime, I miss Passive Arts, and the days of those events. Mostly, now, though, folks are too busy and too broke to come out. Primetime remembers our munches with 20 people before the gatherings, and us filling a room with twice that when the rest of the club joined in. As 'lees, even. Women coming in to 'ler. Wild stuff.
If I can do it, you folks can. Whomever starts to do this has resources in several of us to get it started.